Fate and/or Destiny


New Member
Squishy, not only was that post ignorant, it was also slightly offensive.
Every blood country has an army. Some have the army ruling it.
Now, as for getting shot or not, ya you can stop that. Don't join the army :/


New Member
heh, no offence taken:)
We do have a pretty decent army, only problem is if someone were to invade, they'd need a very large army to do so, eg. China's 2 billion or whatever infantry, and if they did, we wouldn't be able to defend cause the countries to big!!


New Member
I don't believe in any of this crap,
No matter how you look at it, do try to express yourself in other words in the future. There are numerous people who would believe it completely and could feel insulted by such. Thank you.

I take my life as it comes, day by day.
"Live like everyday is your last," is a famous quote of someone. Though better not said to a specific friend of mine. I'm sure she'll spend all her money in one day if that's the case. :p

I am very keen on joining the defence force and going into the front line and fighting for my country (Australia) but my parents aren't keen on me being on the front line, the way I see it is; if I get shot, I get shot. There is nothing more I can do about it.
I can imagine how your parents would think; I surely wouldn't be happy about it either, despite not being a protective kind of person. Besides that, for no amount of money would I ever join anything related to that where I could be put in danger.
"My mother always said, 'when your time has come, your time has come. Nothing you can do about it,' but then I always wonder, 'what if I'm in a air-plane and the guy next to me's time has come?'" - a comedian

I do respect those who would join it, as two friends wanted to join badly. In the end, only one was accepted.

Joining the defence force is not too bad a thing to do, I too am from Australia, but I tell you, the next wars we'll be in you wouldn't want to be in the front line, you'll be cut down like wheat. War is not a nice thing, nor a "poetic" thing, at least not anymore. One push of a button and you anihilate an entire city.
But it is your choice :)
Life isn't fair anymore. Not even humans are treated fair anymore. "Everything is permitted in love and war," is what they say, isn't it?

Squishy, not only was that post ignorant, it was also slightly offensive.
Really? I thought he made it quite clear that it was a joke. Besides, it's an old one.


New Member
not a particularly good thing to say to someone who has controll over parts of the forum, and also they could be unknowingly exposed by thinking there reading someones post and come across something they think offensive and they coulld be really sensitive and just get all butt hurt and commit suicide or something


New Member
Well If they find it offensive, they don't have to keep reading my post now do they?
That's true, but that counts for flaming and spamming as well. You don't have to read it, but you usually still do and there are numerous of people offended by flames or annoyed by spam. This is no real exception. Do you understand my point?

not a particularly good thing to say to someone who has controll over parts of the forum,
Me? Oh, ignore that I'm a moderator.

and also they could be unknowingly exposed by thinking there reading someones post and come across something they think offensive and they coulld be really sensitive and just get all butt hurt and commit suicide or something
Well... that's a bit far fetched, but yes, it could happen.


New Member
I don't believe in any of this crap, I take my life as it comes, day by day.
hmmm. Don't we all just take life as it comes, day by day? I mean, when it all boils down, we still just take life as it comes. I am Christian, so I believe in the power of prayer. I can pray about something, or something I want. That doesn't mean its going to happen, or i'll get it right now. So I might pray, and then I'll go about my day as I normally would. Take life as it comes. So what is the difference between those who believe in fate & destiny and those who don't? Hmmm. Interesting question. I don't think there is much to be honest. Talking in these terms anyway, we all still take life as it comes, I guess some people just have more worries than others.
Oh well. That was my point for the day ;)


New Member
the thing i dont like about christianity is that you only ask your god when you want something you never just say hay god wats going on buddaye!

take note im an open minded aethiest


New Member
What's the difference in that? Stress and confidence.

Those like you, who pray for a (possible) better outcome, is according to research (by pure coincidence, a piece of a newspaper is in our laws-classroom placed on the wall) better to relief stress. When thought logically about it, it does make sense.
The other part is the confidence. Those that prayed have a reason to be confident something could (or could not, like being shot, in this case)happen.

However, I must go with you when saying, "Don't we all just take life as it comes, day by day?" It is just unfortunate that some people, like myself, often have to look back with regrets.


New Member
i dont take life as it comes i have everything planned usually and am rarely suprised in reality though sometimes i act suprised, i know whats going to happen today at school, and there is little chance anything will suprise me today because if you know enough about the past you will know about the future


New Member
Heh, I wish I could invite you for a day at my school, preferrable on a wednesday when everything is as chaotic as possible. Regardless how good of a planner you are, three specific people would definitely mess up your scheldue. Whether you'd like it or not.

Besides that, it is hard to not be surprised when Mr Wagener (my law teacher) or Franklin (a friend) is having a confused moment or a funny mood. Wagener would probably forget his own head if it wasn't attached to his body, and Franklin just loves to see people suffer - usually by his own cause - and likes to show it. "He could be your best friend if you have him on your side, but he is definitely your worst nightmare if you have him against you."

In other words, it is kind of hard to plan things, especially when more and more things are starting to happen what you can't expect. Meaning that you would have to expect the unexpected. I once thought that it was possible to look into everything which would result in not being surprised of anything. Unfortunately, I learned it the hard way that something like that is not possible and I am living with some very bad consequences because of that piece of arrogance from my side by thinking that.
Oh, and besides that all, I am well known among some friends that I tend to 'surprise' people by popping up at places where they would least expect me. I nearly got fired at work half a year ago because I wanted to surprise someone.


New Member
perhaps the reason im never surprised is because im very surprising, everyone will be working and ill yell at the top of my lungs BUTTER SCHNAPS KITTEN EAR LOBES HAIRY MONKEY CHEETOES!!! the cool thing is teachers dont have a problem with it


New Member
Hmm, I doubt that's the case. There are numerous of people who would do something similar, which I've been a classmate of. All I know - which some of us agree with completely - is that I am ready to punch the first person who would so again. Except when it happens on wednesday, our project-day, because that's one giant mess most of the time.
"You easily notice it. As soon as those girls get in the classroom, it immediately gets messy. I hate it when that happens. Those random shouts they make are probably the worst. I'll do something about it if I ever have to work with them." - Franklin, a friend.

But no, being a surpriser yourself doesn't decrease the chance of being surprised yourself. Mostly it comes to the nerves anyway, which is not related to making the surprises yourself. Otherwise Felix, Franklin and I wouldn't be surprised of most things either at first glance.


New Member
yeah i do my random outbursts for comedy usually i only do it in my classes that are already filled with people who are loud and stuff for instance in science i wouldnt do it because they are up tight, but in my math class everyone is just like whats going on aye? and ill be like scoobady boobady bop do debop, but yeah people sometimes ask me why im crazy and i sometimes tell then because i eat squirrels

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