Favorite Sniper Kills


manageris.... How dumb are you? Seriously? Moo just undeniably proved it is impossible to get a triple kill with an l9 and yet you continue to throw out this bullshit "OMG I GOT 3 KILLS WIF ONE SHOT LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!111!!!1!"


New Member
Well, sniper only match in sand hog search and destroy. I was toting my Sr-25 around. Only one reason to have it in sniper only, full auto. Yes, I love using the noob tools. This guy ran around the corner to alpha's side. Fired his l96 and missed, I chased him around and let loose a volly from my sr25.
I hit him twice and he went down, I also hit a person, completly by accident, running out of bravo's base in the nuts. Then I was promptly knife in the back.


New Member
Well i guess that it is very hard to do but if you get lucky you can sometimes get it and i got one wait about 3 weeks my vid will be up


New Member
i was playing a elimination on junk flea and i jumped on that crate where the truck is and i jumped on that sticking out part of the crane thing. most of the fighting was going on at the other side so 3 enemies tried to sneak thru the place where i was. i zoomed in and sniped the first guy in the head and then the other 2 saw me. one of them crouched behind the other and i jumped and when i was like a inch away i no scoped the standing up guys head and that went down in to the crouched guys head and just like that i got a 3 head shot multikill.:D i started teabagging them when a guy on the roof sniped me :(

LOL thats so cool:D


New Member

roflmao i no scoped these to guyz as they jumped of of this tower in Two Towers cuz they were scared of me.....they jumped off and i did also then BOOM HEAD SHOT:D


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New Member
when charging through the tunnel to the bravo side of snow valley, two guys (girl character and a guy character behind) popped out of nowhere at about 7 inches away. It made me jump out of my seat and I accidentally banged the mouse on the keyboard. You can guess what happened next. I shot both of them with 1 bullet from my m24, got a head shot on the girl and nutshot on the guy.

HAHAHAH U sure it wasnt a headshot on the girl and a "headshot" on the guy too??
wonder hmmmm what was she doing down there??


New Member
HAHAHAH U sure it wasnt a headshot on the girl and a "headshot" on the guy too??
wonder hmmmm what was she doing down there??

Epic fail post.



New Member
my favorite huh?...I've gotta say it was when i was sniping in the tower in two towers..you know,the one next to the shed?Anyway i was trying to just kill this guy when i accidentally got a nutz shotlol
:) never gets old.