Okay, show you salvation. We'll start with a definition.
Salvation has in Scriptural language the general meaning of liberation from straitened circumstances or from other evils, and of a translation into a state of freedom and security (1 Samuel 11:13; 14:45; 2 Samuel 23:10; 2 Kings 13:17). At times it expresses God's help against Israel's enemies, at other times, the Divine blessing bestowed on the produce of the soil (Isaiah 45:8). As sin is the greatest evil, being the root and source of all evil, Sacred Scripture uses the word "salvation" mainly in the sense of liberation of the human race or of individual man from sin and its consequences.
Okay, I'll start with personal. I received salvation after 13 months on federal pretrial. I walked into the courtroom facing 40 years in federal prison. I was the calm one. I told everyone what I was getting. I knew, and was told by other believers that they knew that I would not go to prison, that I wouldn't be completely free for a small amount of time, but that I would not be in chains or behind bars. I received 3 years probation with the first 6 months of that under home confinement. Statistically, I had a 1% chance of receiving that sentence, and about a 75% chance of getting over 10 years. That was my salvation. Also, when I stopped smoking ice (4 months before getting served my arrest warrant). I left it for God and my family. Never looked back. No withdrawals, no cravings, nothing. No brain damage, no IQ drop (currently tested at 187), no repercussions. My salvation. Had two strokes. Never blinked, had a massive stroke (the second one), repeated to myself, "Whether I live or I die, I belong to God." 10 days later I was well enough to walk out of the hospital without assistance. They still have no idea why I had a stroke. While there, met my current girlfriend who now lives with me. I couldn't be happier that I had two strokes (little joke).
Okay, enough about me, or my family. I won't go into all their stories.
Let's go with broader salvation. How about the release of POWs? Or the saving of small villages of people. Or the demise of a ruthless, barbaric dictator? Or how about the smile of a little girl and her mother who are rescued from domestic violence and taken someplace safer? Salvation.
More dramatic salvation. I love the stories (in credible newspapers, or CNN, etc.) about people getting shot in the head at point blank range from a .25, .32, .38, or even a .45 and the bullets not penetrating the bone. Ambulance comes, *wipes* the bullets off the forehead and bandages a bruise (if even that). Also, the medical miracles, but I like the former ones better. (you can Google these yourself)
And, for the final sense of Salvation, the salvation from eternal death. (I think you'll like this one, in fact it will probably be the one you attack/comment about first). I have no proof, other than Scripture. Obviously, I haven't experienced death or eternal death yet, nor do I profess to know how to contact the dead and ask them. However, I do know that if there is no god, then when I die, I won't care. I won't exist. Now, if there is a God, I will be quite happy, and I will exist. However, before that, God or no God, I live a life that allows me to feel happiness and a personal connection to something bigger than me (even if you think it is all in my head). So, I'll take that life, and I'll happily wait to find out who is actually right, after all, I have nothing to lose by living a good life, but I have an eternity to potentially gain