for skin or whoever took over mk4 server

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New Member
and idk what hte hell is so funny about this if u guys had a 21 man server just stripped from u then u guys would be mad as hell too

Agent Mulder

New Member
Skin pays for the server. He made the server a joined L3/LMS server. While we are granted admin, he still pays for the server. He decided to give you the server, and took it back. He pays for it so he can do whatever the hell he wants with it. You freeload, so you have no say what he does with his server.

Mom's Son

New Member
Agent Mulder said:
Skin pays for the server. He made the server a joined L3/LMS server. While we are granted admin, he still pays for the server. He decided to give you the server, and took it back. He pays for it so he can do whatever the hell he wants with it. You freeload, so you have no say what he does with his server.

Pwnd Mutha Fucka WoOt...

and, if your so worried about how skin goes about fixing my admin privleges on in the server at about 6:41pm today you posted this,

Why are you posting this nonsense in the PuNx forums? If it was "your server" change it. Till then your posts mean nothing. Show proof and, we will carry it on from there. Otherwise keep this crap out the forums. :wink:

L3|Skin owns this server and, he pays the bill therefore come in and, watch us on the sidelines. Cause you can't change that. :)


New Member
i was told that my guy gave me the server....
bcuz he was sponsored and he said he would get us 3 but he got us one....noone ever told me skin was paying for the server...well then my bad guys i didnt know..
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