
New Member
I'm getting stumped here.

Go to start->run-> and type in msconfig

Click on startup tab, and see if there are any startup processes that you can eliminate.

Also you can to a ctl-alt-delete and sort your processes by cpu usage. Any processes that you are unsure about, you can google them to get an idea of what they are. If they are suspicious or unneeded, stop them.

Finally, you can uninstall your video drivers and install a fresh set. Instructions for this process is in Myth's thread in this category.

Remember, try one fix ad test it. If you do two or three things at one time you will not know what actually fixed the problem.


New Member
might i suggest..

tweaking your windows settings... if you say its a gaming computer then you dont really need all the unneccesary windows options
read more there maybe thatll help. it has helped me alot i think. my computer has shit load of programs like photoshop 7, microsoft office, visual studio.net 2003, cs, cz, and source, running norton using miscrosoft antispyware for spyware and other crap. i only have 512 ram on a laptop. and a 64 MB radeon mobility 7500 video card and i hardly ever lag.. <knocks on wood>
hopefully this will help you out dude.


New Member
before you start doing all sorts of crazy shit like killing everything and waving a dead chicken over the monitor, do us a favor and run the source demo and tell us the average fps that comes up in the post box.

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