Game review: Medal of Honor Heroes 2


New Member

Well basically the story for this game is you play as the OSS Operative John Berg and infiltrate Normandy from behind enemy lines to undermine the Nazi regime. Personally I don’t think that the storyline of this game is anything all that new, and should not be the reason for one getting this game. I’m not saying it sucks, but it brings nothing new and exiting to the table. A very "conservative " move on EA's part.

- CONTROLS (23/25)
The controls for this game are pretty straight forward and easy to follow. You point the wiimote at the TV to aim and press B to shoot. You use the nunchuck to move, A zooms in, down on the d-pad crouches. In multiplayer a few controlls change as C sprints, and Z melees. A few wiimote gestures include flicking the wiimote upwards to reload, flicking the wiimote downwards to throw a grenade and for single player thrusting the wiimote and nunchuck forwards to melee. Some awkward movements (for me) include twisting the wiimote sideways to zoom in/out, bringing the wiimote up to your shoulder to zoom in for the bazooka and pumping the nunchuck to reload with the shotgun ( you can change the shotgun to shoot normally if you wish). On a HUGE plus side almost everything is customizable from to aiming speed to your dead zone you control how fast you want to turn and how sensitive the wiimote is. I think the controls for this game (unlike the previous Medal of Honor game “vanguardâ€) Are amazing just because of their customization ability. Everything can be changed until it feels right for you. And once you get used to the wii fps style you wont want to go back to normal controllers. I have played this game both for the wii and the psp and I have to say that I think it works best on the wii, I think its what makes this game supirior to other online fps. I know some people wished that it was gamecube controller compatible but i think that the controlls make it unique.


-GRAPHICS (20/25)
I think the graphics in this game are fantastic so far they are the best Medal of honor graphics I have ever seen. For the wii I was very impressed with what they had done with them(compared to MoH Vanguard they look like heaven). Everything looks very smooth/crisp. But there are some flaws as in multiplayer many people look like they are “hunched†over but overall I enjoyed the graphics a lot.


Okay this I think should be the reason anyone should get this game as it’s so amazing. This game offers impressive 32 player online multiplayer offering three different game modes ( deathmatch, team deathmatch and CTF) This is the part of the game that I still play loads even after I’ve had it for over a month. There is virtually NO lag during games (even large 32 player games) and the ranking system is GREAT! This area of the game that forced me to get the game and it’s the reason I love this game so much. One flaw with it however is no voice chat which is sometimes needed in capture the flag. but overall it a extremely impressive for EA to have made this online function and I give kudos to them for doing it so well.

One area of the game I wasn’t too impressed was the arcade mode section. This area of the game allows new people to MoHH2 and fps games in general to have fun with the game as an on-rail arcade mode shooter. Maybe fun for new people but I found it boring.
The single player could have been longer and the multiplayer SHOULD have offered split screen online/offline But I dont really think that any of these flaws in the game should lead you to decide not to get this game. I just stay away from the arcade mode and for the split screen issue i really didnt get this game to play with friends, I have many other fps games that are split screen and I use those if I need split screen.

Overall I would say that this game is the best fps for the wii, If you are into this kind of shooting game I would definitely recommend this game. The impressive online 32 multiplayer is worth the game in of itself. The controls are really smooth and now that EA has upped the anti for wii fps games I look forward to whatever other fps games are released.

Overall Rating (86/100)


New Member

Well basically the story for this game is you play as the OSS Operative John Berg and infiltrate Normandy from behind enemy lines to undermine the Nazi regime. Personally I don’t think that the storyline of this game is anything all that new, and should not be the reason for one getting this game. I’m not saying it sucks, but it brings nothing new and exiting to the table. A very "conservative " move on EA's part.

- CONTROLS (23/25)
The controls for this game are pretty straight forward and easy to follow. You point the wiimote at the TV to aim and press B to shoot. You use the nunchuck to move, A zooms in, down on the d-pad crouches. In multiplayer a few controlls change as C sprints, and Z melees. A few wiimote gestures include flicking the wiimote upwards to reload, flicking the wiimote downwards to throw a grenade and for single player thrusting the wiimote and nunchuck forwards to melee. Some awkward movements (for me) include twisting the wiimote sideways to zoom in/out, bringing the wiimote up to your shoulder to zoom in for the bazooka and pumping the nunchuck to reload with the shotgun ( you can change the shotgun to shoot normally if you wish). On a HUGE plus side almost everything is customizable from to aiming speed to your dead zone you control how fast you want to turn and how sensitive the wiimote is. I think the controls for this game (unlike the previous Medal of Honor game “vanguardâ€) Are amazing just because of their customization ability. Everything can be changed until it feels right for you. And once you get used to the wii fps style you wont want to go back to normal controllers. I have played this game both for the wii and the psp and I have to say that I think it works best on the wii, I think its what makes this game supirior to other online fps. I know some people wished that it was gamecube controller compatible but i think that the controlls make it unique.


-GRAPHICS (20/25)
I think the graphics in this game are fantastic so far they are the best Medal of honor graphics I have ever seen. For the wii I was very impressed with what they had done with them(compared to MoH Vanguard they look like heaven). Everything looks very smooth/crisp. But there are some flaws as in multiplayer many people look like they are “hunched†over but overall I enjoyed the graphics a lot.


Okay this I think should be the reason anyone should get this game as it’s so amazing. This game offers impressive 32 player online multiplayer offering three different game modes ( deathmatch, team deathmatch and CTF) This is the part of the game that I still play loads even after I’ve had it for over a month. There is virtually NO lag during games (even large 32 player games) and the ranking system is GREAT! This area of the game that forced me to get the game and it’s the reason I love this game so much. One flaw with it however is no voice chat which is sometimes needed in capture the flag. but overall it a extremely impressive for EA to have made this online function and I give kudos to them for doing it so well.

One area of the game I wasn’t too impressed was the arcade mode section. This area of the game allows new people to MoHH2 and fps games in general to have fun with the game as an on-rail arcade mode shooter. Maybe fun for new people but I found it boring.
The single player could have been longer and the multiplayer SHOULD have offered split screen online/offline But I dont really think that any of these flaws in the game should lead you to decide not to get this game. I just stay away from the arcade mode and for the split screen issue i really didnt get this game to play with friends, I have many other fps games that are split screen and I use those if I need split screen.

Overall I would say that this game is the best fps for the wii, If you are into this kind of shooting game I would definitely recommend this game. The impressive online 32 multiplayer is worth the game in of itself. The controls are really smooth and now that EA has upped the anti for wii fps games I look forward to whatever other fps games are released.

Overall Rating (86/100)

i wanna agree with all the things you sed =) but there is 1 thing which is not so nice about this game if you ask it me : in vanguard u could 1 vs H2 hot...but i agree the controls own...i wish i could ever try vanguard again since i always do H2 now but the dvd got crashed =( gr8 review i give the game a 89/100

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