GAMEware Wii Wireless GameCube Control Pad coming soon!



New Member
stick to wavebird... it's official stuff.... why bother with tacky gameware... stick to what you know and don't risk wasting your money


New Member
Gdog said:
wats the difference from the old wavebird...
this one is fatter, uglyer and feels strange and can't play VC games!

kaitora said:
stick to wavebird... it's official stuff.... why bother with tacky gameware... stick to what you know and don't risk wasting your money

you are right on that m8, don't trust GAMEware kids!


New Member
i dont use my wii for gc games so it dont matter but i used to have a gc and i wish i could still play some of the games i had like mario double dash


New Member
Any pictures? Never heard of them before...
If its around the same price why not buy a first party Wavebird controller?