Gas Prices



New Member
Truthfully Tony, If they went for Oil, im all for it. If they went to take out Sadam, im all for it. Im one of the few that agrees with what we are doing over in Iraq and Afghanistan. I may not agree with the battle plan, but basically thats were the "terrorist" are, and thats where our military is fighting them. Keep that shit over there..

Its funny because i have at least 5 family members currently serving and one (my father) who served in the Persian Gulf war. Most would think i would be against. Oh well.. We wont die from a nuclear war anyway.. The earth will soon shake us off like a dog does water.

Ok.. we went from gas back to politics.. hahahha.....


New Member
Knoxville/Oak Ridge TN. 4-22-06 gas = $2.75/gal.
I miss Athens, Ga. I rode my bike everywhere there. here I need to fill up a little more than once a week.


New Member

Not to knock off what they're doing over there in the Mid east, but then why don't the States government go after terrorists in Palestine, don't you consider certain areas of the Isreali gov't (not to knock abs :lol: ) a form of terroism if they are inflicting pain, and terror on a group of individuals? Also why wouldn't the US gov't go after terrorism in Africa (note Sudan is an influencial oil producer lets knock that off the list as well)?

Its all a matter of perspective really. I'm just creating conversation and debate, i'm not picking a side.


New Member
amerika has backed israel since their inception. and they always will. even though they practice the same types of methods and activities that other countries that we've declaired terrorism.


New Member
yes, all goods and services that are facilitated via transportation of the petrol using variety will go up in price due to this whole thing.

corporations need more money/power and they don't care who they kill to get it.


New Member

filled up the cherokee last night

87 octane kwik fill - california, pa 4/26/06

$2.999 / gal

$54.50 to fill up!!!1111

this suxors

anyway, there is talk that pa may suspend its 31 cent per gallon gasoline tax until october. that would be nice.