General Strategy Tips


New Member
Adding one more commando advice.

Stay in group! (or at least cover them/flank for them)

cons - you can get hit randomly (big whoop), sometimes get ambushed along with others (stealth helps with this)
pros(for commando) - healing, close combat protection, mobile, i mean gunners, even not cloaked, enemy is unlikely to spot you in the midst of that mass (even worse when they start poping abilities), and reduces the likelihood of being marked out of stealth
pros for group - marking, defence against snipers, ultimate aa-gun, and that crazy damage output of yours


New Member
I don't think staying in a group as a commando is wise, unless you want to be healed you should avoid staying near your teammates, kegs, rpgs, BB's and stuff like that will most likely hit you if you stay near a uncloaked teammate, once something connects and enemy is close enough your pretty much toast.


New Member
Nurech said:
I don't think staying in a group as a commando is wise, unless you want to be healed you should avoid staying near your teammates, kegs, rpgs, BB's and stuff like that will most likely hit you if you stay near a uncloaked teammate, once something connects and enemy is close enough your pretty much toast.

Depends on the gaming style. With the style I use, it's not needed to say in a group, except with my Fireteam (Sneeky Royals' Squad System). Camping snipers don't need help at all, they take one or two out, hide, stealth, and do it again. But in close range fights and after them usually you need some health.

EDIT: Mmm, agreed with Nurech, Soldiers and Gunners should stick together (because of healing mainly and yep, 2>1), but commandos won't need it very much. And when commando is healed, he is also revealed which gives a chance for marking and killing.


New Member
Well yeah, that's obvious that 2>1, but sticking with the team all the times really ain't the thing for commandos, regardless your gaming style.


New Member
Slartibartfast said:
Agreed, k/d ration goes down 20% or so. I mean, what good is to go 20/3 or so and still lose. This way you go 15/5 and win.

Good point, but I'm afraid that Commando can't help that much when moving in a group and facing enemies that it would decide the match's result. IMO Commandos are meant to move alone, giving backup by sniping from high spots and stuff.


New Member
kopsq said:
Good point, but I'm afraid that Commando can't help that much when moving in a group and facing enemies that it would decide the match's result. IMO Commandos are meant to move alone, giving backup by sniping from high spots and stuff.

Not necessarily from higher ground, but yes, mostly back up. Besides, it's easier to take opponents down when their distracted in the heap of battle. Going lone wolf only pays off when your opponents are moving alone as well and you one step ahead of them.

I like to play as a part of team but keeping distance from groups, it's easier to get kills and help teammates when they rush in as decoys(I'm evil, I know) and enemies reveal their positions, you then can flower pick them from a distance behind your team, it really depends what kind of people are on your team and how experienced are opponents but thats how I usually play.

For example here I'm going lone wolf, it paid of but in the end we lost(if the video get stuck rewind or go forward a little bit, doorbell at the end).


New Member
Yeah I just meant with high spots usual/good commando spots (Place where is cover but anyway good vision). I was viewing stuff in BFH forums and found this from someone's signature:


So this proves the thing that Slartibartfast just said in previous page. But anyway I think that the best thing how commando can help his team is being a lone wolf, it's not very helpful just making like 5-10 dmg per enemy in a group even you would stay alive.

Btw, good video. *clap clap*


New Member
Same with my gunner + cap points :)

So it doesn't really matter what hero your using you can always get scores like that, but I must say that those kind of KD ratios are easier with a commando. Lone wolf rox.


New Member
No I meant actually that what Slartibartfast said:

Slartibartfast said:
I mean, what good is to go 20/3 or so and still lose. This way you go 15/5 and win.

You see the pic I found, "Insanity!" had nice score and KD but anyway their team lost. And "This way" is to stick together helping teammates, even they take few of your kills, but team wins.


New Member
So i maybe started wrong, it should have been "When situation requires it, be ready to join the group", because:

1) you can dispatch enemy lone commandoes - the cant mark you (group shields you), you can mark + they will fire 90% when you are cloaked, so they can take out max 1 of your mates before you get them.
2) they cannot concentrate fire on you properly
3) you can pop out of "gunny cover" to shoot easily enough
4) damage! - and lets face it, even one clip (PS helps a lot) means that "balanced" 4v4 goes to 4v2, and you have still second rifle(atleast i have) to continue dishing out pain
5) you can dispatch enemy soldiers easily, without allowing them to heal extensively
6) survivability of the group goes up, you lose less tickets...

O course that soldier/gunny if more suited for this, but i get class-wise imbalanced teams too often. And when you have 5 "lone" commandoes, the 3 soldiers cannot do much against 5-6. Sadly, on my rather low ELO level, you dont see much people having 3+ times more kills than deaths.


New Member
6 good points, agreed. But I still keep in my opinion - that it's better to be a lone wolf than move in group. Except in cases where you have no other choices. But ofc 5 lone wolfs are way too much, then the game is over. But with my gaming style, weapon & ability preferences and skills Commando's job is to reduce enemy tickets - a lot. Anyway I don't know how you play so the whole situation can be different.


New Member
Maybe they(EA, DICE) should balance the teams. I have seen so many 6+ nat commandoes against full soldier/gunny team on VV matches. Thats virtually unplayable.
Same with SS, without gunners, you are pretty much screwed.


New Member
Slartibartfast said:
Maybe they(EA, DICE) should balance the teams. I have seen so many 6+ nat commandoes against full soldier/gunny team on VV matches. Thats virtually unplayable.
Same with SS, without gunners, you are pretty much screwed.

You're right. Like 4 maximum same classes in one faction. 3 would be possibly too small amount, it would make getting in a game harder.

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