- 5/5keg burns your enemies, lighting up commandos and a trail where theyre running to.
- Learn to rocketjump onto buildings, tanks have a hard time reaching you there and you can get a few good hits onto the weak spots of armor.
- Unless you have 5/5 legit, try to use legit AFTER a soldier has BS'd you, so you can close distance quickly again giving him a hard time.
- As a gunner youre the slowest class but have the most health, stick near cover and fight near the flags, you could be the last one alive and will pay your team in the long run.
-If you have short range shotgun you may find yourself having to reload mid-fight, switch to your other gun and use that whilst you reload so youre still damaging your enemy whilst he reloads too.
- Throwing a keg before a rocket jump increases how high you fly.