Eke-eke from tehskeen has released a Genesis/Megadrive/SegaCD Emulator for both the Nintendo Wii and Gamecube.
Download: This project source code is now maintained under SVN: you can submit bugs and browse the sourcecode from here:
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- accurate & full speed Sega Genesis emulation
- Stereo Sound (@48 kHz)
- PAL Megadrive (50Hz) timings support
- 1~4 Players support
- SDLOAD or IPL reboot
- SRAM autoload (optional)
- ROM Information Screen
- Zipped roms support
- Interleaved roms support (.smd)
- Load roms from SDCARD or DVD (4.7GB DVD support for Wii users)
- Load/Save SRAM and FreezeState files from/to Memory Card & SDCARD (compressed)
- Original NTSC & PAL progressive rendering modes (240p/288p) support
- Enhanced Interlaced Mode 2 (double resolution screen) support
- Extra emulation support for:
- 6-Buttons gamepad
- Sega TeamPlayer & EA 4-Way Play
- J-Cart (autodetected)
- Sega Menacer (autodetected for Menacer 6-in-1 game)
- external SRAM
- serial EEPROM (used by a few games as backup RAM)
- ROM bankswitch (Super Street Fighter 2)
- SRAM switch (Phantasy Star 4, Legend of Thor, Sonic 3 & Knuckles)
- Mappers & copy protection devices used in many unlicensed/pirate cartridges
- SVP dsp (Virtua Racing)
- Game Genie
- Overscan area (horizontal & vertical colored borders)
- TMSS BIOS support (optional)

Download: This project source code is now maintained under SVN: you can submit bugs and browse the sourcecode from here:
Link and Link