ghost rider movie


New Member
OK - in the opening hallway scene I'm guessing that's Wolverine, Storm, Rogue, Iceman, and then two new kids - maybe Jubilee and Colossus?

Then the guy with the wings - Archangel?

OK just found Juggs - he's standing on the far left in the shot of Magneto and his crew standing in the woods. But who the hell are all those other people? I recognize Juggs, some asian guy, Magneto, John Mayer?, some hot black chick, some weird he-she, Pyro, and Jean Gray/Pheonix. Who're the unnamed?

And what about the kid with the paper airplanes - who could that be? Was there an X-man that just had wind powers? Sounds so Captain Planet.

The Beast looks crazy as fuck. Sucks Nightcrawler isn't back - he stole the show in part II.


New Member
Indelible said:
Vendetta - Looks kinda gay. But what do you expect from a tranny?

Superman - Looks good from this preview. I always kinda found Reeves to be kinda to weird and wholesome. Loved the one wit Richard Pyor, his cowboy hat and mechanical lady.

X-Men III - Juggarnaut looks like a extra from the He-Man movie...

none of those work for me
...mac crap


New Member
Dirty said:
Indelible said:
Vendetta - Looks kinda gay. But what do you expect from a tranny?

Superman - Looks good from this preview. I always kinda found Reeves to be kinda to weird and wholesome. Loved the one wit Richard Pyor, his cowboy hat and mechanical lady.

X-Men III - Juggarnaut looks like a extra from the He-Man movie...

none of those work for me
...mac crap

Download Quiktime....


New Member
I ain't a playa like you, dog.

Way I see it, if someone hands x amount to me, then some higher power is telling me I need to get 'em dirty x amount of times. So I put them on and have passionate sex with Jif crunchy peanut butter. And it's fantastic.

Roll that up in your Dutchie..



New Member
Intro said:
I ain't a playa like you, dog.

Way I see it, if someone hands x amount to me, then some higher power is telling me I need to get 'em dirty x amount of times. So I put them on and have passionate sex with Jif crunchy peanut butter. And it's fantastic.

Roll that up in your Dutchie..


i <3 JIF peanut butter crunchy


New Member
lmfao peanut butter...dude if you have sex at all you should go to the clinic once in awhile its free...all i can say is i hate fucking qtips and not the ones for your ears :shock:


New Member
DiLLa said:
dude if you have sex at all you should go to the clinic once in awhile its free..

If you give blood it's like a free std test from the red cross. They sure as hell aren't giving your tainted shit to anyone and so long as you don't know that you had anything then they can't fry you for it. However, they will call you and tell you that you're infected, and most likely bitch you out.


New Member
i ahte to break it to you mach but u cant find stds in blood..

just aids and hepatitis and maybe one other i dunno...

std tests are "strictly the dick" :shock:


New Member

I have no desire to get my peehole swabbed.

Sw@b-ed? Maybe.


I try not to bang sluts, but Laura Ingalls Wilder prolly got the clap too.