Ever wonder what those fifty-seven varieties really were? A websearch reveals a pea soup of knowledge, pointing to the so-called "57 Varieties" as ripe for status as an urban legend. Even the company's own website musters little in the way of any list of fifty-seven varieties. You have sighed, "Er, gee-willikers, I was certain they once prepared a list of those fifty-seven varieties". Your computer geek buddies relish mocking you, saucily sniggering about your interest in numerology, saying you are too pickled to catch up with the twenty-first century. Your date, once such a pepper pot, clams up and becomes chilly when you strain to recall such a list. Worst, your sheer stamina has turned to jelly. Perhaps you have begun to feel like Ingrid Bergman in Cukor's "Gaslight"... Wait, old bean, your hopes have not evaporated! While they have been feeding their noodles by fast clicking on a google of links, some flake has been poking through bookstores and flea markets.