I've actually seen quite a few female characters on WoW, but I've usually seen about three times as many males. Maybe people just think the males are cooler than females...
I was playing GW a few weeks ago, with my girl character (and this was before I went into Post Searing), and I partnered up with this dude to go Charr hunting across the wall. While we were busy getting our trash kicked by Charr's, he tried to strike a conversation:
Him: "So where're you from?"
Me: "Uh.... well.... Idaho, I guess." (That's where I was born, but not where I currently live, lol)
Him: "You guess?"
Me: "Yeah..."
Him: "That's cool. Are you a girl in real life?"
Me: "Why do you care?"
Him: "Meh, no reason.."
It abrubtly ended there, so I managed to dodge a bullet. But there was one other time where I decided to mess with a guy's head just for fun. I got partnered up with this dude for a bandit raid mission. As we ran along...
Him: "Are you really a girl?"
Me: "Yeah..." (I'm such a liar, mua ha ha!)
Him: "

, What kind of physical attributes do you look for in guys?"
Me: "I usually like the nerdy guys with buck teeth." (I couldn't resist, mua ha ha!)
Him: "Oh.... really?"
Me: "Yeah, I've even got a boyfriend. He's friggin annoying, but I think he's cute."
Him: "...... Alrighty then... whatever..."
Me: "Lol, I can't take it any longer. No, I'm not a girl, I'm really a guy, and I'm not gay either, so don't even start on that!"
A few seconds later, he map-traveled out of the area, quitting my team. I couldn't stop laughing! I'm so terrible... :yay: