gun stolen


New Member
yeah everyone knows my vehicle and since I live here alone a looksee takes a few minutes. I am going to have the maid grilled about what she told her friends. She is no innocent child either. I had been providing her weekly employment since she is a friends neighbor and she has some troubles.

Her mom is dying of cancer, and her parents used to trade her off to pedophiles for drugs. She was bagging her moms crack for sale at the age of 10.

Well she broke one of my two rules, having someone else in the house. I find that out today. Do I think the other kid is involved? No auctually he is a good kid. Is he going to get involved? Probably.

Stacy, this lookout "friend" of hers is all blowed out on coke, she is 16.

Since I am going to turn things upside down for the police I am just going to consider myself unsafe here. I am in serious debate about what I am going to do. First thing is notify my employer I am seeking other employment due to too low a pay for me to be able to leave the neighborhood.


New Member
If you pay $445 for a replacement P90DC you are paying more than what you should. I have seen them as low as $250, NIB, with extra clip.

As for the AK, thats a poor choice for home defense, unless you live in an area where you have 10+ acres between you and your closest neighbor. An AK has a effective fire range of over 400 yards, with a true travel distance of over 800 yards. There are many documented cases of assault rifles that have killed the perp, but also the neighbors kid. They are extremely powerful weapons, that tend to travel long distances, thru many objects. I shot a pine tree once with a M4, at a distance of over 100 yards, it went thru that tree, turned left into another tree, continued thru that tree and into 2 others. I never found the projectile after it passed thru all these objects, as it continued on. If you want a good home defense weapon, that you can fire without discression, get a pistol grip 12 guage shotty, at least it will stop when it hits the first object, and you will not have to explain how that 7.62X39 ended up thru the neighbor's home and potentally harming an innocent person. That would be tough to deal with.

Sorry your home was burglarized, I have been there. Kinda feels like you have been raped, and will give you the feeling that nothing is safe. It will also make you very paranoid of everyone around you. It is a feeling that will stay with you forever, once you have been violated in that manner. Be thankful that they only took your firearm, I lost over $15K worth of items when my previous home was burglarized in 1998. Sounds like you have the right idea tho, do what I did, MOVE THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!!


New Member
Sorry to hear about that MONEY(and Heat). I figured the justice system and all that is better, but this shit sounds like I'm back in Romania.

Anyway ,if you need a safe place to live u gotta move to the Outer Banks. Here you can live your house unlocked....ask Worm.

Hope this turns out OK. Remember that sometimes it's better to walk away.



New Member
You do what you gotta do bro. But I agree that a shotgun is one of the best home defense weapons. It scatters and leaves big holes. You can blow a door open with it. Make a car turn into a culinder with 2 blasts. Also shotguns are relatively cheapy I believe to an AK.

I am sure you are gonna figure this shit out.


New Member
Omniscient said:
Also shotguns are relatively cheapy I believe to an AK. .

Romanian AK (crapo) it's pretty cheap, i dunno about the real one.
Shotguns are cheaper but there is nothing you can do with it...except self defense offcourse. An AK you can take to target practice or something. My opinion.


New Member
I think besides higher price...these guys are simply noting that there is a greater chance of harming innocents with an AK than with a shot gun. Also, (and this is my opinion) I believe that IF you were to need to use force to protect your home, a shotgun is little simpler to use. They don't call it a noob-cannon in CS for nothing.


New Member

So aside form all you idiots peeing your pants and droolling over your firearm dreams, How about that gun u got stolen? Is it returned? Have a suspect? Anyone been shot? Are you in jail?



New Member
oh things are getting interesting.

nothing that I am on particular edge about, but I am trying to get things swung my way, I have found out a considerable ammount of people locally are having similar problems.

For you that dont know or never have seen what can be considerd a "section-8" neighborhood, it is what is commonly referred to as a "hood" or a "ghetto".

There are three types of people here:

The users, the used, and the pretenders.

I think you can see the breakdowns, users being the people who make money by living in a slum. Drug dealers, and the people who benefit.

The used: Old people. Plenty of them. Persons who have gotten washed over in the system. Persons with mental disorders. Kids. Its a continual renewal. The kids either get beat up or grow up tough or punks.

Its sad.

Now for about 5 of the first years I was here I was a pretender. People left me alone because of a spread of nice cars, me walking out in a suit every once in a while, and leaving early in military uniforms once a month.

Well the renewal of people who live here continually grows, people come and go at a much higher rate then in any other neighborhood, I would say twice a week I see a moving van. More people who can leave have left, the only people left here are persons on social security, someone involved in something illegal, and a few persons like me who has used this neighborhood for its location, and put up with the problems.

There are many poor working class persons who also live here.

I have been in about 4 seperate incidents in the 9 years I was here. Nothing I was ever charged for, I did always have a damn good reason. I had to draw a pistol for one of them, it was in my own justifiable protection.

I am not perfect by any means, and if I really scrimped I could possibly afford to move somewhere else. I can afford about 400 dollars, but that puts me into a position of renting and going to renting is something I am not interested in. Selling this house might get 3 or 4 thousand tomarrow, largely because of where it is, and what goes on here.

I have seen most of the users make enough money and leave, the pretenders leave after they cant pretend anmore and everyone else is used.

For all the gun talk, you have to understand I am picking up the AK primarily because my brother has a mousegun and thought it would be interesting to have the counterpart. Fully legal, semi auto. Nice finishes etc. I am not looking for crap. They are damn cheap to shoot, for 50 bucks you can entertain a group of friends who have not ever had an opprotunity to shoot one. 300 dollars for a nice, completely legal semi auto. I am not worried entirely too much about home defense. Its not going to stay here long.

I am going to check with my friend to see if he can pick me up a druganov paratrooper, and have him convert it to semi auto. I am sure that would be the nicest eastern block weapon legally obtainiable.

The reason I am not bringing another pistol into the house RIGHT AWAY is because I simply do not want it stolen again. I had a CCL from another county, It expired about 3 years ago. I do believe I am going to be tomarrow contacting the sheriffs office here and see what they can do with helping me obtain another CCL and if they can expedite it. They pick up people from all over here constantly, I am sure they would understand.

Yeah puppet, I pulled the price for what I can buy one that is comprable to what I had, it had about 2 hours of machine work, action polished, trigger work and the slide deburred. The slide I externally rouge wheeled all of the die cast areas to a mild polish. I put the 20 hours of work to turn a good shooting gun into a good looking good shooting gun.


New Member
BillyTheKid said:
Well walking around with a big ass shoudlerer is a lot more suspicoius then a concealed pistol so i think you will have better luck money.

Unfortanutely suspicious around here is when people see the cops pull up at your home.
Hope this turns out well for you...having a gun stolen sucks,I know.

Also im gonna dissagree on that durganov as the best east block weapon...saiga-12 is in my opinion...but we all know how i like shotguns :)


New Member
Give the story to the local news. someone will eat it up.

btw i only read the first like 5 or 6, if it has already....