SHORT VERSION Player sending Negative vibes via hackusations sends me on a rant. What can be done?
Well i've got a story to tell. Today i was playing on Wave rider elimination in an elite modded room, which is one of the easiest maps to guess where your opponent is going, and i was doing fairly well (11-2) then this one guy (xxartanisxx) started calling me a hacker- Fair enough, im used to it, i should also mention a good 6 of my kills where me killing him, so he's probably angry. Now in my mind, the only hacks, that you can tell in CA are OPK hackers and speeders, and maybe in extreme cases Aimbotters but not very often. When somebody accuses me of hacking, i say how? normally they name one of the 3 (which ever one is "in" at the time) or sometimes there creative.
Anyways as the game goes along he starts calling a different player a hacker too. Which again isn't so surprising, till he calls for the EM to kick him.
Which is where i intervened. I asked something to the effect of Isn't it possible that someone is better than you?
To which he replied some thing about him hacking, and that i was defending him because we both cham (Fair enough, i was defending him to a point)
Then i asked how and he said i chammed. (sighs, takes deep breath, sighs again)
Why is this happening? I can think there's a bit of paranoia going on. Just recently Nexon banned alot of hackers (thank you nexon), however the average player (well out of the one's who yell hackusations) can't possibly comprehend that out there in the interwebs people are BETTER than them and im sorry xxartanisxx, but you sir/ma'am/it are the stereotypical whiner. Granted he/she/it had a bad game (5-18 or so)
Now bringing this to a point for the 3 people who've read this far (give yourselves a pat on the back
I know this happens to everybody, and i bet even to xxartanisxx, but can something be done ? I bet not, at best maybe a CBL label "Whiner"
Anyways i've ranted long enough discus!!
Also im thinking of posting this on the Offical Nexon CA forums Good or bad ?
Well i've got a story to tell. Today i was playing on Wave rider elimination in an elite modded room, which is one of the easiest maps to guess where your opponent is going, and i was doing fairly well (11-2) then this one guy (xxartanisxx) started calling me a hacker- Fair enough, im used to it, i should also mention a good 6 of my kills where me killing him, so he's probably angry. Now in my mind, the only hacks, that you can tell in CA are OPK hackers and speeders, and maybe in extreme cases Aimbotters but not very often. When somebody accuses me of hacking, i say how? normally they name one of the 3 (which ever one is "in" at the time) or sometimes there creative.
Anyways as the game goes along he starts calling a different player a hacker too. Which again isn't so surprising, till he calls for the EM to kick him.
Which is where i intervened. I asked something to the effect of Isn't it possible that someone is better than you?
To which he replied some thing about him hacking, and that i was defending him because we both cham (Fair enough, i was defending him to a point)
Then i asked how and he said i chammed. (sighs, takes deep breath, sighs again)
Why is this happening? I can think there's a bit of paranoia going on. Just recently Nexon banned alot of hackers (thank you nexon), however the average player (well out of the one's who yell hackusations) can't possibly comprehend that out there in the interwebs people are BETTER than them and im sorry xxartanisxx, but you sir/ma'am/it are the stereotypical whiner. Granted he/she/it had a bad game (5-18 or so)
Now bringing this to a point for the 3 people who've read this far (give yourselves a pat on the back
I know this happens to everybody, and i bet even to xxartanisxx, but can something be done ? I bet not, at best maybe a CBL label "Whiner"
Anyways i've ranted long enough discus!!
Also im thinking of posting this on the Offical Nexon CA forums Good or bad ?