Khrysos said:
Squiddy said:
Fanboys these days. ¬_¬
If you can't accept that there will be much better games on the PS3 that the Wii can't get in a million years, you're a moron.
Depends on how you define better..
I define better with the likes of:
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots
Final Fantasy XIII
Uncharted: Drakes's Fortune
Soul Calibur 4
Gran Turismo 5
Assassin's Creed
Kingdom Hearts III
Resistance: Fall Of Man
Fight Night Round 3
LocoRoco 2!

Heavenly Sword
And so many more. The fact is, there's more games I want on PS3 than Wii right now. Heck, I could've sold it as Nintendo are just inactive in the UK to the REAL gamers, but I'm paitent for the AAA titles, just how paitent I can get is the question.