


New Member
having numbers after your name is always a bad idea. It either shows you're uncreative or that you're inbred. Look at Louis the 16th...

and Caleeb.


New Member
Well thank you for ranking me as a non idiot. I shall post on your forums now.

In response to your earlier question, I highly doubt it.

Something tells me they don't like you for some reason. Probably racial bias.


New Member
Don't get me wrong, I still hate most everyone here... there's a couple exceptions. I'm still succeeding at getting members off this board, and I'd like it to stay that way... I'm actually surprised there's that many people that would rather have a fun clan to play with rather than a competitive one.

I rather dos Ventrilo servers and steal passwords using Back Orifice, and Love isn't an idiot like Roger... he knows how to be a moderator. Believe me, I'd love to run that exploit, but it'd probably be too much for even me to tolerate.