I've Never really betted on Football, not too bothered by it, to be honest. But if I had to choose a team it'd be Rangers, simply because my dad, my uncles,my grandad and so on have supported them

Out here in the Netherlands, back when I was a kid, you were forced to like football. Especially among children, the question: "Which one is your favorite team?" was a very common question. Those who didn't like football had a problem, because they received the question nearly daily. At a certain time, I decided to answer with Heerenveen, a team most people didn't really know because it wasn't a team that was much in the highlights - something I respect.
The only thing that puts my family off of supporting them (apart from the fact that scottish football isn't exactly legendary) is the religious bigotry that goes on between Rangers (Protestant) and Celtic (Catholic) ridiculous after match riots and fights because of religion, something that should have nothing to with football. I don't know if you get anything like that over there, do you?
The rivalry between Ajax (Amsterdam, the capital) and Rotterdam (Rotterdam) is quite fierce. I cannot recall the last time when no injuries and no fatalities occured during a match like that. This is the first year where the KNVB (the Dutch football rules) decided that there is no access for an audience. Ajax fans may go, as long as they play in the Amsterdam ArenA and Feyenoord fans may go as long as they play in de Kuip. But the opposition fans are forbidden to come.
"Ajax are jewish!"
Ajax vs ADO Den Haag (Den Haag) isn't much of a nice match either. Since last year (or two years ago, I don't remember anymore), the ADO's supporters decided to sing very offensive songs. This wasn't tolerated by the ref, and he wanted to stop the match. Ajax decided to continue though, and eventually drawed the match (after a 3 - 0) because of a lack of concentration. ADO Den Haag is one of the weaker teams of the league and Ajax is one of the top 3.
"Sylvie, Sylvie is the whore of Amsterdam." (Wife of Dutch star, Rafael van der Vaart)
Vitesse (Arnhem) vs NEC (Nijmegen) usually doesn't come off too nicely either. This is your classical derby between two nearby lying cities. Though it isn't half as bad as ADO - Ajax or Ajax - Feyenoord, it still tend to give the police quite a lot of problems. Vitesse is a more of a 'clean' team than most others and usually the problems seem to be quite limited. I'm always in the middle of them though.
SC Heerenveen (Heerenveen) vs Cambuur (Leeuwarden) is a derby very similar to Ajax - Feyenoord, only this is in the North, between two Frisian clubs. Leeuwarden is one of the few biggest cities in the Netherlands, together with Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht (and a few others). Heerenveen is a (small) village, yet Heerenveen is the number 4 of the Netherlands and Cambuur is one of the weakest teams in the lowest league. SC Heerenveen has a reputation of never giving trouble, while Cambuur has an opposite reputation.
Feyenoord (Rotterdam) vs Sparta (Rotterdam) is a typical city derby between two big teams in the same city. Sparta is an older club than Feyenoord and has a bigger history, yet Feyenoord is more successful. Feyenoord (and Ajax) has a giant reputation of giving trouble, and Sparta isn't really the nicest around either. Despite that this gives less trouble than Ajax - Feyenoord, it clearly isn't safe to be on the streets during this match.
Why would anyone complain about hearts being on it? theres a (fairly average) team called Hearts (or heart of midlothian, if you prefer) from Edinburgh (the two teams here suffer from Bigots too, though not on such a large scale as Glasgow) who's whole badge is a red love heart

I know that team.
When people see the Frisian flag, or Heerenveen's logo for the first time, they usually give a reaction similar to: "What the...? They have hearts? =\" I'm not too offended by it (but I don't like it), but the real Frisians do take an offense to that. It
is their national flag (symbol) after all. And they honor and respect it, and so do I.
Also, what's Frisian?? I can only remember them as Viking-type fellows from a filnm called "The Warlord"
The north of the Netherlands is called Friesland, where people are Frisians and they speak Frisian. It is hard (if not impossible) to compare Frisians to Dutch people. You'd be safer off to say it is a seperate nation with their own flag (the Frisian Flag). People have a completely different personality than other people's in the nation. Heerenveen is a Frisian village, while Leeuwarden is a (big) Frisian city. Frisians are well known for their kindness, their hospitality, their loyalty and understanding.
I personally
love Frisians, and I guess it's obvious that my girlfriend is a Frisian too, hm?
Sure a long post áya? I've read it all, altough i lack some knowledge about Dutch inner football
We have a regular league out here with 18 teams, where the last one, the 18th, immediately relegates to the first division, the lowest professional league. The 17th and 16th have to play a play off with three other teams of the first division for promotion to the highest league, the eredivisie. The first in the eredivisie is the champions (duh) and will immediately play Champions League. Since last year, some kind of stupid play off system has been accepted (all fans are against it, all managers are against it, but all clubs think it's a good idea), which mixes up the European places for UEFA-cup, Champions League and Inter toto.
The first division exists out of 20 teams, the last three usually being Cambuur (Leeuwarden), FC Omniworld (second year in professional football, Almere) and Fortuna Sittard (Sittard). A friend and I are following FC Omniworld because they stated their ambitions when they first were a professional team.
They said something like: "We'll stick a few years in the first division, and then we'll promote to the eredivisie (highest league) and become a stabile subtopper." Erik (that friend) and I laughed our ass off upon hearing that and started to follow FC Omniworld, who ended up 19th in the first division league. This year they stated new ambitions, and Erik and I are going to follow it again. "We're going to promote this year and try to become one of the top 5 in the Netherlands as quick as possible." In truth, one team in the Netherlands managed to do all that in about 10 years of time - also being the fastest and most successful. That would be (coincidentally) SC Heerenveen.
We also have a Dutch Cup, which the winner will receive a ticket of UEFA-cup. The winner of the Dutch Cup will have to face the Champion of the league at the 13th of August... oh, that's today.

It's PSV - Ajax.
Sorry, but I earlier said that I don't mention the last names of people without their permission... and I can't remember it. ("Forget about it, quickly.")
You mean Brondby from Denmark? No, he is a brazilian who plays in the Seville of Spain
Oh, my mistake. There is supposed to play a Daniel Alves in Brondby, from Denmark, as well.
Main role in all mexican tournaments, and significantly in continental (in real life). The mexican "top teams" are Aguillas de Guadalajara FC, CD Monterrey, Jaguares FC, CDM América and Necaxa FC (FC= fútbol clube, CD= clube desportivo, CDM= clube desportivo mexicano). I only gained sufficient money and reputation to buy strong players to boost my teams into the continental tournaments and international ones.
Sounds like you got a stronger team than my SC Heerenveen.
You see, this year we're (the AGFC) going through some major problems because of their star and my idol, Cuautehmoc Blanco. His violence in-games has gone far beyond the limits, culminating in the coma of a player of the Oaxaca (reasonably good team, who recently climbed up divisions).
Yeah, you've told me about Blanco before during the World Cup. The commentator also had some stuff to say about Blanco during the match(es) of Mexico.
The player, Alejandro Roca aparently called Blanco of "índio sin-teto" = "homeless indian (descendant of aztecs and mayas)". You got to comprehend that there is still some kind of pre-concept against indian etnic people (like me, which is an absurd since we are MAJORITY in the country).
I know the problem... personally. I don't really look Dutch, after all.
Blanco grabbed his head and stroke his kneel in his forehead 5 times, the he dropped Roca on the grass and smashed his eggs (with the soccer shoes). Roca is in coma for 5 weeks now and i believe he is never going to have any children in his life.
Ouch... a player in the first division, Niels Kokmeijer, had an... accident as well. During a match, a Marrocanian player from Sparta (who was playing in the first division back then) called Rachid Bouaouzan made a 'flying tackle' at Niels' leg. He literally broke the leg in two (you really saw the leg splitting. It was a horrible sight. "We have it on video, and I am not going to watch it again, but I'll show it." - the commentator) When the Sparta fans saw that, they started screaming things like: "Let him bleed to death!" and "leave him there!" Eventually the ref let the game continue, letting Sparta start a counter attack and leaving Niels there on the field, while most Go Ahead Eagles player team mates started towards him. Finally, when the Sparta striker, Danny Koevermans got the bal, he immediately grabbed it in his hands, gestured to the audience to calm down and ran towards Niels as well.
Bouaouzan was brought to court, but only got off with a little money to pay. Niels' leg will never recover and he will never be able to walk properly. I have one heck of a load of respect for Sparta's former striker (he plays for AZ now), Danny Koevermans for doing something like that. That guy, who is always so cool, was furious at his team mates and the audience at that time. Do note that Koevermans became top scorer of the first division (by far) three times in a row of the three times he played in it. (Two years ago, Sparta and Heracles were invincible in the first division, losing only twice in the entire season. Their forelast match was against each other, and would decide who would become champion of the first division... I'll probably never forget that match. The strongest offensive team against the strongest defensive team)
The reason that I hate Bouaouzan has nothing to do with the fact that Niels has been a former player of SC Heerenveen.
Blanco is being punished by the justice, but the team is suffering with that, since he is our top-scorer and there are some rumors that the AGFC "dopped" Blanco before the game. Because of that, Monterrey is gonna win the Eqohuatls' for sure.
I'm sorry, but if he did what you just said, than I hope he receives a bigger penalty than Bouaouzan got in the Netherlands for his assault at Niels.
I've Never really betted on Football, not too bothered by it, to be honest. But if I had to choose a team it'd be Rangers, simply because my dad, my uncles,my grandad and so on have supported them

Out here in the Netherlands, back when I was a kid, you were forced to like football. Especially among children, the question: "Which one is your favorite team?" was a very common question. Those who didn't like football had a problem, because they received the question nearly daily. At a certain time, I decided to answer with Heerenveen, a team most people didn't really know because it wasn't a team that was much in the highlights - something I respect.
The only thing that puts my family off of supporting them (apart from the fact that scottish football isn't exactly legendary) is the religious bigotry that goes on between Rangers (Protestant) and Celtic (Catholic) ridiculous after match riots and fights because of religion, something that should have nothing to with football. I don't know if you get anything like that over there, do you?
The rivalry between Ajax (Amsterdam, the capital) and Rotterdam (Rotterdam) is quite fierce. I cannot recall the last time when no injuries and no fatalities occured during a match like that. This is the first year where the KNVB (the Dutch football rules) decided that there is no access for an audience. Ajax fans may go, as long as they play in the Amsterdam ArenA and Feyenoord fans may go as long as they play in de Kuip. But the opposition fans are forbidden to come.
"Ajax are jewish!"
Ajax vs ADO Den Haag (Den Haag) isn't much of a nice match either. Since last year (or two years ago, I don't remember anymore), the ADO's supporters decided to sing very offensive songs. This wasn't tolerated by the ref, and he wanted to stop the match. Ajax decided to continue though, and eventually drawed the match (after a 3 - 0) because of a lack of concentration. ADO Den Haag is one of the weaker teams of the league and Ajax is one of the top 3.
"Sylvie, Sylvie is the whore of Amsterdam." (Wife of Dutch star, Rafael van der Vaart)
Vitesse (Arnhem) vs NEC (Nijmegen) usually doesn't come off too nicely either. This is your classical derby between two nearby lying cities. Though it isn't half as bad as ADO - Ajax or Ajax - Feyenoord, it still tend to give the police quite a lot of problems. Vitesse is a more of a 'clean' team than most others and usually the problems seem to be quite limited. I'm always in the middle of them though.
SC Heerenveen (Heerenveen) vs Cambuur (Leeuwarden) is a derby very similar to Ajax - Feyenoord, only this is in the North, between two Frisian clubs. Leeuwarden is one of the few biggest cities in the Netherlands, together with Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht (and a few others). Heerenveen is a (small) village, yet Heerenveen is the number 4 of the Netherlands and Cambuur is one of the weakest teams in the lowest league. SC Heerenveen has a reputation of never giving trouble, while Cambuur has an opposite reputation.
Feyenoord (Rotterdam) vs Sparta (Rotterdam) is a typical city derby between two big teams in the same city. Sparta is an older club than Feyenoord and has a bigger history, yet Feyenoord is more successful. Feyenoord (and Ajax) has a giant reputation of giving trouble, and Sparta isn't really the nicest around either. Despite that this gives less trouble than Ajax - Feyenoord, it clearly isn't safe to be on the streets during this match.
Why would anyone complain about hearts being on it? theres a (fairly average) team called Hearts (or heart of midlothian, if you prefer) from Edinburgh (the two teams here suffer from Bigots too, though not on such a large scale as Glasgow) who's whole badge is a red love heart

I know that team.
When people see the Frisian flag, or Heerenveen's logo for the first time, they usually give a reaction similar to: "What the...? They have hearts? =\" I'm not too offended by it (but I don't like it), but the real Frisians do take an offense to that. It
is their national flag (symbol) after all. And they honor and respect it, and so do I.
Also, what's Frisian?? I can only remember them as Viking-type fellows from a filnm called "The Warlord"
The north of the Netherlands is called Friesland, where people are Frisians and they speak Frisian. It is hard (if not impossible) to compare Frisians to Dutch people. You'd be safer off to say it is a seperate nation with their own flag (the Frisian Flag). People have a completely different personality than other people's in the nation. Heerenveen is a Frisian village, while Leeuwarden is a (big) Frisian city. Frisians are well known for their kindness, their hospitality, their loyalty and understanding.
I personally
love Frisians, and I guess it's obvious that my girlfriend is a Frisian too, hm?
Sure a long post áya? I've read it all, altough i lack some knowledge about Dutch inner football
We have a regular league out here with 18 teams, where the last one, the 18th, immediately relegates to the first division, the lowest professional league. The 17th and 16th have to play a play off with three other teams of the first division for promotion to the highest league, the eredivisie. The first in the eredivisie is the champions (duh) and will immediately play Champions League. Since last year, some kind of stupid play off system has been accepted (all fans are against it, all managers are against it, but all clubs think it's a good idea), which mixes up the European places for UEFA-cup, Champions League and Inter toto.
The first division exists out of 20 teams, the last three usually being Cambuur (Leeuwarden), FC Omniworld (second year in professional football, Almere) and Fortuna Sittard (Sittard). A friend and I are following FC Omniworld because they stated their ambitions when they first were a professional team.
They said something like: "We'll stick a few years in the first division, and then we'll promote to the eredivisie (highest league) and become a stabile subtopper." Erik (that friend) and I laughed our ass off upon hearing that and started to follow FC Omniworld, who ended up 19th in the first division league. This year they stated new ambitions, and Erik and I are going to follow it again. "We're going to promote this year and try to become one of the top 5 in the Netherlands as quick as possible." In truth, one team in the Netherlands managed to do all that in about 10 years of time - also being the fastest and most successful. That would be (coincidentally) SC Heerenveen.
We also have a Dutch Cup, which the winner will receive a ticket of UEFA-cup. The winner of the Dutch Cup will have to face the Champion of the league at the 13th of August... oh, that's today.

It's PSV - Ajax.
Sorry, but I earlier said that I don't mention the last names of people without their permission... and I can't remember it. ("Forget about it, quickly.")
You mean Brondby from Denmark? No, he is a brazilian who plays in the Seville of Spain
Oh, my mistake. There is supposed to play a Daniel Alves in Brondby, from Denmark, as well.
Main role in all mexican tournaments, and significantly in continental (in real life). The mexican "top teams" are Aguillas de Guadalajara FC, CD Monterrey, Jaguares FC, CDM América and Necaxa FC (FC= fútbol clube, CD= clube desportivo, CDM= clube desportivo mexicano). I only gained sufficient money and reputation to buy strong players to boost my teams into the continental tournaments and international ones.
Sounds like you got a stronger team than my SC Heerenveen.
You see, this year we're (the AGFC) going through some major problems because of their star and my idol, Cuautehmoc Blanco. His violence in-games has gone far beyond the limits, culminating in the coma of a player of the Oaxaca (reasonably good team, who recently climbed up divisions).
Yeah, you've told me about Blanco before during the World Cup. The commentator also had some stuff to say about Blanco during the match(es) of Mexico.
The player, Alejandro Roca aparently called Blanco of "índio sin-teto" = "homeless indian (descendant of aztecs and mayas)". You got to comprehend that there is still some kind of pre-concept against indian etnic people (like me, which is an absurd since we are MAJORITY in the country).
I know the problem... personally. I don't really look Dutch, after all.
Blanco grabbed his head and stroke his kneel in his forehead 5 times, the he dropped Roca on the grass and smashed his eggs (with the soccer shoes). Roca is in coma for 5 weeks now and i believe he is never going to have any children in his life.
Ouch... a player in the first division, Niels Kokmeijer, had an... accident as well. During a match, a Marrocanian player from Sparta (who was playing in the first division back then) called Rachid Bouaouzan made a 'flying tackle' at Niels' leg. He literally broke the leg in two (you really saw the leg splitting. It was a horrible sight. "We have it on video, and I am not going to watch it again, but I'll show it." - the commentator) When the Sparta fans saw that, they started screaming things like: "Let him bleed to death!" and "leave him there!" Eventually the ref let the game continue, letting Sparta start a counter attack and leaving Niels there on the field, while most Go Ahead Eagles player team mates started towards him. Finally, when the Sparta striker, Danny Koevermans got the bal, he immediately grabbed it in his hands, gestured to the audience to calm down and ran towards Niels as well.
Bouaouzan was brought to court, but only got off with a little money to pay. Niels' leg will never recover and he will never be able to walk properly. I have one heck of a load of respect for Sparta's former striker (he plays for AZ now), Danny Koevermans for doing something like that. That guy, who is always so cool, was furious at his team mates and the audience at that time. Do note that Koevermans became top scorer of the first division (by far) three times in a row of the three times he played in it. (Two years ago, Sparta and Heracles were invincible in the first division, losing only twice in the entire season. Their forelast match was against each other, and would decide who would become champion of the first division... I'll probably never forget that match. The strongest offensive team against the strongest defensive team)
The reason that I hate Bouaouzan has nothing to do with the fact that Niels has been a former player of SC Heerenveen.
Blanco is being punished by the justice, but the team is suffering with that, since he is our top-scorer and there are some rumors that the AGFC "dopped" Blanco before the game. Because of that, Monterrey is gonna win the Eqohuatls' for sure.
I'm sorry, but if he did what you just said, than I hope he receives a bigger penalty than Bouaouzan got in the Netherlands for his assault at Niels.