Has the Wii motion controller lost its appeal?



New Member
Yeah know im thinking of getting a Ps3 wii motion controllers are losing its appeal and Ps3 has motion controllers too!and besides wii is trowing too many kiddie games(exept for metroid 3)i need games like serious sam god damn it!(>_<)


New Member
wii motion controllers aren't losing it's appel, what wii needs is good games. When more games arrive, wii motion controllers are going to come back with full power.


New Member
Personally i never thought the WiiMote was that great... or rather, i knew you wouldn't use it exactly as a sword in games and etc. xP
And i'd like to say that i think it works really good in some games such as FPS games, unlike XBox 360 where you look around using a stick, that's not natural :p
And i think it's sad that XBox and PS3 are getting some really great games that could have worked a lot better on the Wii...
But in some games i think they use the WiiMote.. well too much heh, where a simple button would do the job, you have to shake the WiiMote around instead, that's just annoying after a while.
And because it can be used in so many ways ( Gun, Golf Club, Sword etc. etc. ) i think it really keeps games fresh even if it doesn't follow your movements 100% :p ( unless it's over done >_> )


New Member
wiipointsmaster said:
i think the wiimote is always fun. to me it just never gets old and the motion sensing is always enjoyable. it never gets boring.

It does after a while man, a couple of months on and you'll agree with me.