Found this on another forum...
"Play import GC games on un-modded PAL Wii. And you don't need the Action Replay/Freeloader disc either
One clever forum user has figured out a way to play US and Japanese GameCube games on a PAL Wii without a hardware mod OR Freeloader disc utility.
The trick, involves a simple dis-swapping technique that you can perform easily on your PAL Wii right now. All you need is one PAL GameCube game, and your import game, of course.
To do it, first insert the PAL GameCube game and enter the Disc Channel (the thumbnail you click on to run Wii/GC games). Once the Wii recognises the disc the GameCube logo will be displayed.
Now for the trick. Point your Wii Remote at the start button but DON'T start the game yet. Press the eject button then, a second or so later, click on the on-screen start button.
Now you have to be quick - the moment the Wii spits out the PAL disc quickly swap it for the NTSC game and it will boot up as normal.
We've tried out the trick, discovered by a user of the Maxconsole forums, and it works a treat.
We failed a couple of times before realising that you only have a split second to remove the import disc and insert the PAL one before the Wii resets itself.
Enjoy it while it lasts, because we anticipate Nintendo fixing this very quickly with a system update."