hay Fender, Need a new spray?


If you know defenders spray, then you have been warned, I like the guy that carved a @ into his arm. my only question: WTF is wrong with these people? blowing your scrotum up with an air pump? spliting your knob in 2? and yall acuse me of having too much free time. Maby I do, but at least I don't spend it doing this shit!



New Member
body modification is something a LOT of ppl will never understand. i'm just about fully sleaved on both arms with a lot of work on my legs and tons more coming soon.

my lobes are stretch to 3/4 of an inch and growing steadily


body mod isn't for everyone and pretty much everyone that is into it has a different reason. there is something to be said for the high you experience after having a branding/tatt/genital piercing done.

we don't expect you to understand or approve of it, just as we don't understand how someone could not understand it.


New Member
Heh? I'm, all for you modifying your body!!!!! Cause I never have to see it. The only thing I would be willing to pierce is a good ribeye.
I have a tatoo I did myself on my left arm (an ankh) a pro piece on my left shoulder (tribal looking script that reads SI-6) and another ankh on my back done with a guitar string / bic pen tatoo gun I made. I had 9 piercings in my left ear, 5 in my right, 1 nipple, septum, and tongue. I had one done in the skin of my throat (think necklace pendant without the necklace). I pierced more tongues, tragis, and lips for friends than I can count. I pierced the webbing in between the thumb and index finger, and have done 1 scrotum piercing for another friend. I had a comercial account with pleasurable piercings of clifton NJ 13 years ago before your momma would let you run to the playground alone. I belive I understand body modification quite well. What I don't understand is the mutualtion shown in the pictures. Be carefull about your assumptions because you just made an ass out of you and umption.


New Member
you're a hoot and sounds like you did quite a bit of pokin..untrained. i was a professional piercer for 7 years, trained by APP treasurer Brian Skilly in Atlanta(of Piercing Experience). I've done well over 5000 of each piercing....so much that i can tell you that the one in the skin of your neck can go by two different names..neither of which you seem to know.

there's no playground love. but there's plenty of knowledge.

as far as assumtions...it looks like we're even eh bub? :twisted:


New Member
rofl, what a bunch of nubs. maybe someone should have said
g'moring to them when they were kids....or maybe they would
have found another excuse to be "different". gg grow up.


New Member
blze said:
rofl, what a bunch of nubs. maybe someone should have said
g'moring to them when they were kids....or maybe they would
have found another excuse to be "different". gg grow up.

i'd have to disagree with you there man. really. i'm a 32 yr old web designer, i own my own company. i'm about as "grown up" as grown up gets. the majority of the ppl that i know that are heavily into body mod(and the picts you've seen just scratch the surface of what true body modification is) are professionals with a suit and a tie like anyone else you've ever seen on the street. but under their suit....it's a different story.

it takes a lot of dedication to modify your body to be what you want it to be. for some ppl it's a matter of will power over the mind/pain. that's partially what it is for me. overcoming pain is truely a transformation i'd like to see everyone experience....even if it's not as drastic as some go.

it takes an open mind when checkin out the other side of the tracks. ppl have deep reasons why they do certain things. some procedures heighten sexual pleasure after healing. some ppl have their face literally reformed. or in the case of the "lizard man", transform themselves into a lizard through a multiplicity of proceedures.

in all reality, it's no different from breast implants, hair implants, or plastic surgery...it's just an aethetic you're not used to seeing.


New Member
you would be surprised at what i am "used" to seeing. not so
quick to guage my perspective from a single post...

yes, they are usually very functional in society and all that i know.
it is a personal decision and i respect that too. it CAN go to far tho.
i mean, come on, i need to carve an @ into my bicep??? wtf is that
for? "it makes me me"? "it is how i express myself"? over the
edge and just trying to out-do the next guy is what that screams
when i see it. it is human nature but i think the creative outlet
could be channeled to less (o shit, here goes my hole) extreme
activities... it really doesnt make a shits difference to me, and im
not against anything, it is just so far from my idea of self expression
and creativity that i cant make myself rationalize it.

i have to tell you, if it isnt obvious as hell by now, that i have no tats and
no piercings. so, maybe that can be seen as strange to the "other side
of the tracks" as well. but, i also have to tell you, a little punk chick in black with some DM's on makes me pitch a tent so fast i almost faint from bloodloss to the brain.

the art part is cool, i dig the expression part, its the i"m gonna put 93 holes in my cock and dangle a barbell" motherfuckers that make me go hmmmmmmmmmm.

<3 & mew.