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New Member
Dirty said:
You are working for rich bastards that think you are worth nothing but shit.


OK then Myth, on that note please shoot the enemy while envisioning that he is one of these filthy rich bastards that doesn't care about you. What's that weapon you got there?


New Member
mad props and much appreciation to u mythhy

stay safe, bang some hottie iraqi, and i echo worm's request, bring me back some sand in a film cansiter??? wooot!


New Member
Dirty said:
You are working for rich bastards that think you are worth nothing but shit.

Dirty, you are absolutely right about that, but I along with Fattness, LizardKing, and some others here on the server or forums you may or may not know about do this for a reason. It's for the knowledge that we done our duty to our country, and that we've given everybody back home a chance to do this right here.....

Puppet said:
OK then Myth, on that note please shoot the enemy while envisioning that he is one of these filthy rich bastards that doesn't care about you. What's that weapon you got there?

In that regard, I learned something from a Korea-Vietnam vet (my uncle)that wound up being exactly true when put to the test, "When the time comes, you'll have to make a choice. It will be either him or you, them or us. So right then you will know what you have to do." Take it from me, he was right in choosing those words. Ahhh, the weapon.....is a M-16 with an A-2 lower reciever (semi-3shot-full auto) and my favorite toy, an M-203 40mm grenade launcher (that damn thing HAS saved my life on more than one occasion!). The little pouch on the stock is my "have quickie" mag for when it gets to be "we're in deep shit". But I got to choose my main weapon for this mission (it's the SCAR), so hopefully no jam up's this time:


WoRm5406 said:
Damn did you see that sexy MOFO??

Ill buy drinks next round Myth...

Ill be down in your area soon.. and wont be stranger.

Me Sexy? No way......(Let's have Tina, Ema, or Pinky have a say on that one yeah?)

Alot of people think that this run is bs, so I've had about 30 people say "the drink's on me when you get back", so you can tell what's up with the shit for this mission.

Well, the curtain goes up on this thing tomorrow morning so I'm a gonna finish packing up, and I might be on later today so catch you peepz on the flip side!


New Member
Good luck myth. Keep to the shade, dont drink the water, wear a condom (those camel's will give ya VD for sure). Think of it as a vacation from day-to-day boredom...you'll be back to the grind soon enough.

This drink is to you ==lifts glass==


New Member
I'm sure there are many that disagree with the war and the ppl that are pulling the strings and making billions off of it. I'm sure that there are many that would discourage war altogether. For the bunny is one of them.

As the son of 3 tour Vietnam Vet I can say that I don't agree with war period, especially not at the cost of the lives of our children, fathers, mothers, and friends. However...I still hold respect for those willing to put their lives on the line when they are told it is for our country and freedom (even if it isn't really about that).


New Member
TY All. Bio will be represented properly over there. Wheels up in a few hours, so it's game time! There's a change in the schedule (thank god!), so I'll be back pwnin sooner than ya'll think! I'll try to give u all a holla while i'm there, so peace out and happy hunting!