13% is good, mine went to 16.41% it's hard not raising it any higher, that's by choice.I try keeping it round there, If I want to lower it I use nades, it drops like a stone,had droped it one time to 12%, then I go back, taking aim at heads, yes I still get killed, but big deal, my % goes back up to the 16% range, I'm happy with it there. What I find most ammusing is that I have a 0.56 KDR, at one time it was 1.25%, they ask me why it's so low
(I worked hard lowering it). I tell them to keep noobs like you asking stupid questions, doing a pretty good job isn't it
You see I have the rank of Captain 3 so it's sometimes hard to get ppl to play me, there affraid I will drop their KDR, and there right, I do.
But when they see my KDR is only o.56 they think I can't play and that i'll be an easy kill, well I'm just playing posum, laying in wait to spring out and cut them down to size.