Heat Wave



New Member
It's only 88 in here right now, but it's still miserable.

And I'm still in my boxers.

And our power just went out for a minute.

And these SweetTarts are not bad.


New Member
wwow it's cold as hell here...well not cold but deff a lot cooler than the past few days...it actually feels good to go outside. Aww a momma kitty left two of her kittens on our doorstep today...so i've been outside playing with them. Now if it was 100 degrees like it was yesterday they'd be outside playing with themselves


New Member
It was 110 here yesterday and the day before, that crazy! I went to Death Valley California about 4 years ago, and 110 was where it was at. But Now i could only imagine the tepurature there.1000000 degrees