Heats = wall hacks

Re: Lol

Heats said:
JustAnotherStayAtHomeDad said:
Heats said:
"Go eat a chode you shit" What?

Actually, both of those are definitions for chode, but your boyfriend's is far more common. However, he left out an important detail. A chode (also choad) is a penis that is as wide or wider than it is long. Whether such a thing exists is a matter of debate, but we've never seen one here at the Slang City offices.

As for the second definition, I didn't find it in any formal slang reference books, but there are certainly a number of online examples of chode meaning the perineum (the area between the anus and sex organs, on both men and women.)

But to confuse the issue, those aren't the only meanings. A third meaning is a piece of feces (also much less common than the first definition.) Finally, since the 90s, chode has also been used to mean "fool", like synonyms dipstick, putz and tool. All of these words originally meant penis as well.

I am shure you understand what he means by "you shit" so I will leave it at that.

Right, and like I said, I could careless

are you still here? thought you didn't care?



New Member
To get it straight Heats, I was WALKING not hiding anywhere. There was no way you would have known I was there because I had not made a noise since before you I heard you kill someone. It could have been lucky timing, like I said I don't really give a fuck. You obviously have a great life and loads of free time to come on to a forum and bitch at a bunch of noobs whos server sucks ass (which is why we have people occupying the server all day long).

My stats

Your stats. Not impressive. Like I said I don't care if you hack or not, you're still banned for being a tool.

I bet you knew I was gonna say this, but here goes....You suck at life. How do I know this without meeting you? You came in here to call a bunch of people you don't know noobs and you hate our server. Brilliant. I'd be surprised if you weren't some punk kid sitting in his parents basement thinking he's an internet tough guy.


New Member
Oh yeah, I meant to scrutinize him for his comment "I've been playing that map for 2 months." HAHA, you act like this is a new game, wow 2 whole months! lol, gg, fuck a goat, your mother hates you.


New Member
Sigh Sigh Sigh...

Lmao Deviant, yes in another word, I am smarter than you.
Damn, how am I ever going to get through with all these newbies, ok next person, hey Puppet, why am I perm. log in? So I dont have to log back in and reply and laugh at you guys, u r dumb. Next person CurryinaHurry, Do you know why I am so arrogant, because I have to deal with dumb people like you, if I am a “Nub†I wouldn’t be banned would I? Next, Deviant,

“To get it straight Heats, I was WALKING not hiding anywhere. There was no way you would have known I was there because I had not made a noise since before you I heard you kill someone. It could have been lucky timing, like I said I don't really give a fuck. You obviously have a great life and loads of free time to come on to a forum and bitch at a bunch of noobs whos server sucks ass (which is why we have people occupying the server all day long).†" By Deviant

All I can see is blah blah blah blah blah? You were walking, exactly, I was running, I had the advantage, I was looking for anyone to kill and I saw you, dumbass walking in a free zone. Yes you are right, I had free time to go on a forum that had been sitting here the whole time that I hadn’t even notice, gj u r a very intelligent person. And btw, I never said this server suck, I said the people in there are dumb as a nut ball.

"Your stats. Not impressive. Like I said I don't care if you hack or not, you're still banned for being a tool." By Deviant

Again, dumb as hell, are you trying to prove to me that you don’t have a life and I do? Cause you ARE the tool. 182 rounds vs 20 rounds? Oh wait, I was banned thats why my stats didn’t improve, damn Deviant, smart as hell like always eh? Notice the sarcastic? Oh wait you are too dumb to even notice that. Next person, JustAnotherStayAtHomeDad, not to waste any more time but, yeah I had the automatic sign on.


New Member
Sigh Sigh Sigh...

Puppet said:
Daddy, he could care less. That's why he is now permanently logged in to the forums. Cause he could care less.

Yes Puppet, I could careless...about that quote. Before posting any dumb things, read the whole thing and think before you post.


New Member

Hey guys, here, I am going to "Log Off" now, dont dont be nerdy and record how much time I spend on the "Forum" ok? LOL man you guys are dumb.


New Member
no alicia...see that's not how it goes at all..they have to spam the forums for a few weeks before they realize they aren't making anything better for themselves...if he keeps complaing about everyone here and how we're all "nubs" then i guess he should just go find another server...correct?


New Member
Oh the girls don't want you here Heats cause they heard you got shit stains on your panties. Tell me something.....is the word DUMB the only word you know. I'm surprised this little kid knows how to spell it. Yawn...too late to be fuckin with nubs. Night all.


New Member
I've come to realize that banning folks really brings out the best in 'em..

Just ban everyone and we can go ahead and weed these fucks out, hax/nohax.



New Member
Instigating is quite fun. Why don't you show your intelligence by using proper grammar? I notice that you didn't reply to my, "punk kid in parents basement" comment, which leads me to believe that I am right. Am I correct in saying this? By replying and trying to analyze my post you show that you are not very intelligent at all. Do you really think I don't know that those stats don't show shit? Prove to me you're smarter than me, show me this ultimate wisdom you behold in your 8 lbs water head. What exactly are you trying to get through to us? I know I'm not the best at this game, but am I a newbie? Nope. I simply played the role as an admin of the server by banning you to keep the regulars happy. Get over yourself. What are you trying to prove by posting here and making an ass of yourself?

P.S. I have a secret about the aztec moment we're debating. You were camping and I was walking, took one step out had the crosshair on me already and shooting. Again though, I don't really care if it was hacks or not, just trying to get the facts straight.

To end I quote you Heats, the most intelligent person in these forums:

"u r dumb"
maby he will understand this?

Heats: U r 2 dumb'erer to pl4a h34r wif ur l33t ski||z, n0w g0 nub y0ur$s3|f in th3 b4thr00m and f33| 83tt3r b3f0r3 m0mmy find$ 0ut u $kip3d ur m3d$.

sigh, so boring, evan r00tworm was more entertaining and had more wit.


New Member
Re: Sigh Sigh Sigh...

Heats said:
dumb. dumb dumbass dumb dumb too dumb"

Hey heats, I should buy you a thesaurus so you can find other synonyms for the word DUMB. You fuckin 10 year old; learn some more fuckin words you ignorant piece of shit. GG !

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