HellinPelican's Ultimate Fireteam guide

Jordan B

Active Member
I'm gonna start playing FireTeam more. I don't really play it enough.

Like, I'll play it every now and again, but only 1 or 2 games. I don't do it for the Shemagh, just for the good exp if you complete it.

+ owning NPC's is my thing.

I swear some of those npc's aimbot.
I'm gonna start playing FireTeam more. I don't really play it enough.

Like, I'll play it every now and again, but only 1 or 2 games. I don't do it for the Shemagh, just for the good exp if you complete it.

+ owning NPC's is my thing.

I swear some of those npc's aimbot.

IMO, the exp and gp you get kinda sucks...I do it for the shemagh, i actually find it works on occasion.

the Sniper NPC's always go for critical shots, but i find grenades are the biggest killer, no matter how good you are you could be killed in the first 5 minutes cause your "teammates" do something stupid, a grenade lands at your feet or a critical hit.
Oh well, im hoping for a new FT map soon.

when i find some time (what's that? 3 pages of physics homework?)i have a update in the pipeline for this guide


New Member
IMO, the exp and gp you get kinda sucks...


i find grenades are the biggest killer, no matter how good you are you could be killed in the first 5 minutes cause your "teammates" do something stupid, a grenade lands at your feet or a critical hit.

I would say that teammate stupidity is the leading cause of death among FT players. Last night I was playing with a horde of people who, in total, had cleared FT less than 10 times. I'm not great, but I've cleared it more than a few times. Everything they could do wrong, they did. Seriously, at each stage, I was the final, lone player.

Now, I know what you're saying: "Boss, just play on a better server with more experienced players, you idiot!"

True, but where's the fun and/or challenge in that? It was kinda nice having 132 kills when the 2nd highest kill count was 24.

This is just a game. I play for fun. But it's MORE fun if you win.

Oh well, im hoping for a new FT map soon.

I would say that teammate stupidity is the leading cause of death among FT players. Last night I was playing with a horde of people who, in total, had cleared FT less than 10 times. I'm not great, but I've cleared it more than a few times. Everything they could do wrong, they did. Seriously, at each stage, I was the final, lone player.

This is just a game. I play for fun. But it's MORE fun if you win.

Yeah, i can't count the number of times i've been the last person at the final part, and lost. Or the number of times some ones blocked the door way and i die from a grenade. sigh, but that's whats makes it different each time. I guess i should be pimping my guide more...

132! holy, i think my best is 98, but my fastest is 5 mins with a whole bunch of +50 FT pros

@ Gary: that's always the case, good players=good game (well most of the time)


New Member
Yeah, i can't count the number of times i've been the last person at the final part, and lost. Or the number of times some ones blocked the door way and i die from a grenade. sigh, but that's whats makes it different each time. I guess i should be pimping my guide more...

I should get some kind of macro that allows me to type a few standard quotes from gameplay with a single keystroke:
- Don't crowd on the stairs! (going down to B, you know what I'm talking about...)
- ALPHA SITE! etc.

132! holy, i think my best is 98, but my fastest is 5 mins with a whole bunch of +50 FT pros

My all-time highest is 165 kills, but that's literally when I was the last player alive at every stage. When you lose 7 of your team of 8 on the way to the temple, you just KNOW things aren't gonna turn out fine. Then you lose 7 in the temple. Then you lose 7 before you even get to the tank. Then half of them don't even make it out of the first alley on the way to the target.

Some days, I just want to scream.

Don't you LOVE it when you're the last one alive and all these DEAD GUYS (who have less than 5 finishes) are not giving you useful advice, but instead, telling you what you should do?


New Member
LOL, yeah i know what you mean, once i was the last guy left, and these other guys where giving me horrible advice, luckly i knew better.

If the target is A or B, I tend to crouch by the pillars and snipe them as they come around the corner. You ALWAYS get the guys yelling, "GO GO!" or "Rush them!" when you still have 5 minutes left. Which is plenty of time to continue sniping until the last small group is left.

Same here, same here... that's kinda what motivated me to make it in the first place.

I pimp it as much as I can (like the pimp I am), but too many times it's just a lost cause.
If the target is A or B, I tend to crouch by the pillars and snipe them as they come around the corner. You ALWAYS get the guys yelling, "GO GO!" or "Rush them!" when you still have 5 minutes left. Which is plenty of time to continue sniping until the last small group is left
I pimp it as much as I can (like the pimp I am), but too many times it's just a lost cause.

Yeah, that's exactly the advice they where yelling.

Thanks for pimping the guide!


New Member
After reading the guide, i feel like playing fireteam :O

Anyways, C is my favorite site to do for some reason. It seems the easiest to me plus I would rather camp in the alley that you come from instead of the street


Active Member
I have a problem with getting too greedy with kills .Next thing I no I'm dead.
Or some times more than not peeps pile up and get in my way then we get naded. Dam that herts.
Yeah, people blocking door way gets me killed alot.
@CVS Im glad you like it! I think i have to update the C part of my guide,
There's another spawn that randomly spawns outside the building when people reach the inner-court yard.