New Member
hey! i did'nt knew there was an introduction forum... so let me tell you a little about me. I love video games! I play since 3 y/o... yea i started with mario bros on nintendo
i've played on a lot of console and also played diablo2 for about 6 years, i kinda loved this game! I started to play combat arms 2 weeks ago and it's my first fps online ever. I do my best and manage to rise my k/d ratio everyday, but hackers/glitchers dont help me at all. I dont hack and i will never hack. I also been called a hacker a lot of times and been kicked out of almost every games with a elite moderator that i played in. I think that the elite's power is not that great cause most of them can't make the difference between someone with skills and a hacker, and i have some difficulties with this too!
im good with those guns g36, l96a1, military shotgun, ump.... i dont throw lots of grenades but i get killed by them a lot
i hate nades... my first language is french and im new to forums.
that's all
im good with those guns g36, l96a1, military shotgun, ump.... i dont throw lots of grenades but i get killed by them a lot
that's all