Hello iam new here


New Member
Hello, First of all i would buy a xbox 360. but i had not enough money, and buy a wii. iam very happy that i not buyd a xbox 360 because wii is al lot of better, more fun. a few days ago i have internet on my wii, and i like the weather channel, and news channel.

My games for the wii are:
The legend of zelda twilight princess
Wii sports.

I have not a lot of games but if, super mario galaxy, mario cart, and afcourse super smash bros brawl, and metroid corrutopn are out i will buy them.



New Member
Hi blackmamba

Welcome to Wii Pros :)

You made a good choice there ;) also if you would like to exchange Wii Codes this is the place
http://wiipros.co.uk/added-a-friend-please-read-t-18.html ;)


New Member
Welcome to Wii Pros, hope you enjoy it here!

P.s, I bought the 360 first, then sold it. Didnt do it for me! ;)

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