
New Member
im trying to picture wulf raping someone, the question if it is going to be with a dil*do or a bottle, maybe both...



New Member
Well... I remember Fladian from old Wc3c :yay: Yes, I am 16 years old, I had birthsday 12.01.06 :infernal:

@ben(trs):Are you playing wc3 on Us East.


New Member
What's wrong with them? I really prefer telling one word than 10 sentences of unimportant bullshit and asslick that noone bothers to read :p. (no, it wasn't about any of you, just an example)


New Member
It's just far too short. I am quickly annoyed by posts such as "True" or "okay" or "you too" or anything like that. Increase the size a bit at least. I get constantly annoyed by such a short post, because it just adds extremely little.


New Member
Welcome Jacek. I hope you enjoy your stay. I have seen you around but don't know you personally.

YOu have any talents? map making,modeling,skinning, animating,jass?

HMMM 20,000 posts IN 2 YEARS eh

so if i have 3500 on my site in 3 1/2 months then =

THEN 24 X 1000 = 24,000

PHEW I CAN STILL BEAT that...just barely though haha.