i bought one of these and tried putting in my dell dimension 2350. my friend said that the shiny metal part on the bottom looks like it has lines because you cut at the lines if it doesnt fit. so i carefully cut off the bottom so that it fit into 1 of the slot things in my computer. now it doesnt work. did i cut it wrong? id post pics, but no camera. is there anyway i can fix this? thanks for any help.
i bought one of these and tried putting in my dell dimension 2350. my friend said that the shiny metal part on the bottom looks like it has lines because you cut at the lines if it doesnt fit. so i carefully cut off the bottom so that it fit into 1 of the slot things in my computer. now it doesnt work. did i cut it wrong? id post pics, but no camera. is there anyway i can fix this? thanks for any help.
oh thank god loud, id have to hit you if you had really done that. besides, that would have been your second one anyways, since your first one has been installed for a while now, hasnt it?
The story is believable. I have seen cpu fans plugged in backwards, ram plugged in backwards, credit cards stuck in floppy drives (online purchases LOL), boards fried due to hot expansion card plug-ins, the list goes on and on...
i bought one of these and tried putting in my dell dimension 2350. my friend said that the shiny metal part on the bottom looks like it has lines because you can cut at the lines if it doesnt fit. so i carefully cut off the bottom so that it fit into 1 of the slot things in my computer. now it doesnt work. did i cut it wrong?
LOL u cut the extension slot for PCI-E!!! :shock: OMFG!!!! :idea: I was about to pizz myself when I saw that......dude you have taken the cake, right under the guy who thought the CD-ROM was a fuckin coffee cup holder!!!!! All shit aside though, if u just got it u could claim it defective upon arrival and get a new one fro the manufacturer. Who made it by chance, BFG, Asylum, etc.
Oh and next time check what type of motherboard u have before gettin the equipment to use......AGP.....GeForce 6XXX series will work for ya just nice (or just get an new mb with PCI-E) It is a sweeeeet vid card though (i've got it meself!!!)
you can solder it to the corect board, or pay someone to do it for you for a couple bucks ($100?), or you can sell it on ebay with a great "my friend told me this would work" story and make your money back
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