-Apophys-'s Equipment
Slot 1: M24
Slot 2: L96A1 Arctic Wolf
Secondary: USP Tactical
Support: M18 Smoke
Vest: Heavy Vest
Head: VBSS Helmet
Face: FP-1 Faceguard
Camouflage: Arctic Camo
Backpack: Standard Backpack
Preferred Map: Snow Valley
Preferred Mode: CTF/Elimination
Firstly, you need to find two guns that you enjoy a lot AND are very proficient in aiming at. You don't necessarily need to be accurate with the guns while going fully automatic, but 3-5 shot burst accuracy is needed. Exceptional guns for your first slot are the G36 or the FAMAS with your preferred scope. At first at least, you must have an automatic gun with you. Your secondary gun should be a sniper rifle. The SR25 and L96A1 are very good rifles while your getting used to them at anywhere from 100----- meters. The L96A1 is highly powerful and you must reload after every shot but not very accurate. The SR25 is generally a 2 shot kill and is semi-automatic and fairly accurate. The M24 is a pro SR and is my favorite SR due to its accuracy. Your bullet falls where your crosshairs are located. The minimum range will decrease as your proficiency increases. Your secondary weapon is yours to choose, I recommend something that either has high power or a large clip size. Your support item is also yours to choose, i HIGHLY recommend the M18 Smoke for tight situations though.
Secondly, find your favorite maps and favorite modes. Depending on which weapon types you prefer, i.e. Sniper Rifle [SR], Assault Rifle [AR], Submachine Gun [SMG], or Shotgun [Shotgun], you should constantly play a map that favors your preferred guns "Maximum Effective Range." Snow Valley is my map because I am skilled at using any sort of SR. An SR's Maximum Effective Range is 100-infinity, an AR's Maximum Effective Range is 1-125 meters (160 meters for a G36), an SMG's Maximum Effective Range is 1-80 meters, a Shotgun's Maximum Effective Range is 1-20. This are the Maximum Effective Ranges for someone of moderate skill level, as you learn your weapons your Maximum Effective Range will increase for any of your guns, but less so for a Shotgun's maximum range and an SR's minimum range.
Third, utilize armor that complements your combat style. Equip as many items that increase your armor as possible if you are primarily an SR user. Otherwise, speed is key for your survival. SR users only stack armor because most snipers employ the L96A1. With less than maximum armor, one shot from this SR will kill you. Maximum armor allows you survival with 02 hp. Speed is vital for anyone that enjoys close range combat because you must keep moving to stay alive. The faster you move, the more difficult it is for your adversaries to take aim on your avatar. Do NOT mix and match for armor and speed. Pure is key

Now, your actual gameplay. When in a close encounter, run circles around your enemy and jump as much as possible while still keeping your crosshairs on the target. Do NOT stop moving and always keep your primary AR/SMG/Shotgun out. When sniping, the most offensively placed positions are generally also the least defensively placed positions. Killing is the point of the game, so find a majorly offensive position, i.e. Snow Valley Alpha Hill Sand Bags or Snow Valley Tower. Stay moving, trotting in circles once you've found your position. Always be looking around, mainly at counter sniper hotspots, and have your volume up so as to hear approaching AR/SMG/Shotgun users trying to sneak up and knife you

. You see further in the fog when looking from the sides of your screen. Lastl tip for SR users, take your time on your shot. Do not rush a shot that you cannot make. The more you employ your SR, the faster you can aim. Soon you will be able to aim without scoping in, and thusly you may no scope any AR/SMG/Shotgun users, making the SR in my opinion the best gun in the game when in a skilled players hands.
Now, go and do your best. Try to play fairly, always keep moving, always keep your eyes open, and always aim sharp. Your K/D will rise in time. Good luck with your K/D's everyone! Message me in game if you would like some personal coaching.
Arctic Sniper
2.3 K/D
Member of .Vengeance.