Mostly Off-topic, and later I became sorta active in Campaign/Team Discussion, but that was before Draco left.[/b]
I noticed that. -_-'

I was the moderator of that section. -_-
I think this off-topicness could be split into a new topic, I can't think of a name but...whenever you get around to it Fladian

Do you know how much work that is?

Create a new thread about it, and just continue your discussion there.

Or continue in the "Let's rant" thread, where all subjects are pretty much accepted.
Falco, I don't flame. Flaming is a poor excuse for not being able to handle the person you are talking with.
Everyone likes to joke with Fladian. Though I do wonder how he chose that username..
Apparently many people does, yeah. Not that I mind though... they can say all the want about me, but I only get pissed when they start talking about people I care for.
How did I choose this username? No particular reason. There was a game (which name I can't remember) where the name of your main characters gets replaced for a little while. I couldn't remember what that name was, but I knew it started with a 'F' and ended with 'ian', so I made 'Fladian' from it, but in the end, I was pretty wrong. 'Vladmir' or somethng was it.

In the end, Fladian was a name no one ever used it, except myself. So... I keep using it. I'm pretty happy with this name. 'Fladian Lince', is its full name.
As for that Wc3c part. Somewhere during a certain time, I became quite an @sshole too, so... influence often brings arrogance, and that was something I tried to avoid, but couldn't.