How do you get the most gp and exp for your time on Combat Arms?

Jordan B

Active Member
Search through all the servers till you find a lobby that all has low ranks and bad kdr's .

It's usually like , I dunno, Bravo 4 , and Alpha 5. You'll find one.


New Member
well to fix the gp problem IF YOU ARE VERY DESPERIT u could get nx =D (I really just started by buying gunz for one day then i saved up enough for a week then month then 90 days n soon enough u have 88,227 gp n a gun for about 30 more days =D ) this is the long free proccess i used


New Member
Pick a map and mode you like and play the crap out of it. I like two towers elimination and usually get in the 30 - 40 kills per game range. I get 300ish gp and i dont know how much exp though.

I also found that buying the weapon of your choice for more than one day is actually cheaper. The M416 is 1100 for a day, but only 5300 for a week. Thats like getting two days with it for free. Buying it for longer periods of time gets you even better discounts. I was broke like you when I figured this out, and had to wait untill I leveled up. But then when I did and got that extra gp I was able to buy the gun, and now I play untill I get my 5300 back and I am currently trying to get the 23ish thousand GP to buy it for a month (that comes out to about a free week, a savings of 10,000 gp.)

Jordan B

Active Member
I've been saving my pennys lately :D

Had 60,000 GP , spent heaps on G23 SE for 30 days, Military Bandanna for 90 days, Snow Camo for 30 days , Bowie knife for 30 days . . . . .

Lol .


New Member
Well, the important thing to get the best out of your time is to DO BETTER AT THE GAME!

Then you're gonna have time to get back to your other life. :)


Active Member
buy guns for weeks if you can, you'll save gp. Also dont waste money on uniforms and stuff that doesnt really help you all that much, like extended clips or fast reload clips. I rank up pretty fast usually every 2 or 3 weeks and I'm a CSM2, so mostly you just have to save gp where ever you can, and if you get nx get the xp increase pass, its worth it completely. If i had nx I would have it, then I could rank up much faster, which would be nice.