How To Build A Legit Clan On Combat Arms 101:


New Member
How To Build A Legit Clan In Combat Arms 101:

1. Create a clan that has a name that isn't all "Johnny Ammo Belt". Normal names, or even funning sounding names. Or even something normal. It is hard to start a new clan with the name like "ClanBodyCount" if you don't have any members to justify the name.

2. Get a clan forum site. It might be dead in the beginning, but it gives YOU a way to get the conversation started. And most of them are free.

3. Create signature banners and skip the dynamic crap you see all over the place. Those are about as original as white paint. Make your own and change them from time to time to keep people reading them and looking at them.

4. Ditch the whole idea of setting KD/R requirements. You don't even have another member yet and you shouldn't shut the door on anyone. Once you get enough members, that are active, at that point you can have a KD/R requirement. It's still a bad idea after that, but what do I know I have only helped create 3 clans that can clan match each other 8v8 in two rooms at the same time.

5. PLAY THE GAME. You may be the only one in the clan, but unless you are playing the game, you will never get your name out there or be able to get players. YOU have to be good to get anyone else that is good. And once you get a member or two, play even more. Nothing is worse than a new clan where the leader is never in the game. Unless you are willing to be in the game 3-4 hours a day 7 days a week until you get it full with 20 active members, you might as well just save yourself the frustration.

6. Be ready to get a vent server lined up if you want your clan to be bigger than yourself and your little brother.

7. Post and take part on the Nexon Forums. It is a great resource to find out what is going on with the game, what players think about weapons, and tons of great information. Just take part and post. Of course, unless you have a signature banner, you might as well just call it a day.

8. Once you get members, unless they are active, they are as useful to you as a condom machine in the Vatican. So kick the players that join and are never seen. DO NOT tolerate any glitchers or hackers that may join your clan. They will kill your reputation and your in game name.

9. If all else fails, Join the GaggleOfNoobs. We have a LOT of former Clan Leaders that just didn't have the time or energy or creativity to start and grow their own clans. Not everyone does, and that is not a problem. We have the ability and the energy to grow the GaggleOfNoobs. And we will.

Now, will this work for everyone? Probably not. But it worked for the GaggleOfNoobs. We have picked up 22 new members in 14 days. Most have already been in 5-10 clan matches. So, it has worked for us and I hope it works for you.

Anyone that starts a clan, the GaggleOfNoobs will be more than happy to clan match you once you are at full strength.



New Member
Nope, we are not that much smarter, we just want to play a clean game and have fun. After seeing what was going on, we figured out how to make it a little easier to build the clan and play hacker free.



New Member
How To Build A Legit Clan In Combat Arms 101:

9. If all else fails, Join the GaggleOfNoobs. We have a LOT of former Clan Leaders that just didn't have the time or energy or creativity to start and grow their own clans. Not everyone does, and that is not a problem. We have the ability and the energy to grow the GaggleOfNoobs. And we will.

Now, will this work for everyone? Probably not. But it worked for the GaggleOfNoobs. We have picked up 22 new members in 14 days. Most have already been in 5-10 clan matches. So, it has worked for us and I hope it works for you.

Anyone that starts a clan, the GaggleOfNoobs will be more than happy to clan match you once you are at full strength.


I figured you'd say that. But anyway, nice guide and thanks for discouraging hackers/glitchers.


New Member
The reason I posted number 9 like I did is because of our ability to help clan leaders actually build a new clan.

Our goal is to have more than what we have now. IF we need more space, we will ask for a new leader to step forward, and form a clan for them, and help fill it up.

That gives them the experience needed without being left out there to hang by themselves...



New Member
I need to add another bullet point I think.

10. All clans have their ups and their downs. Players come in, players leave and Clans are rebuilt. It is the nature of the beast, and only helps keep the game interesting, and enticing.


New Member
what if the only problem is that you are a very bad player like me and tried for 3 months and a 4 weeks to get better(not ranks wise) and have the same low KDR and competeley suck. I play everyday for 3 hours by the way.

I think I can't get better.... So therefore no one will join my clan.

PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I agree to most of your points, but not having a clan KDR requirement at the start is useless. When I started my clan 3 weeks ago, I had a clan KDR requirement of 1.4 KDR+. Now? My clan is lvl 3. Everyone is 1.40 KDR+. We have 20 members log on each day and about 20 sort-of active members. We have a vent server FROM one of MY clan members. We clan match each day defeating "bad" clans and "good" clans. We have strategy rooms and scrims. How I did it? You might want to add this to your points: All I did was play in a room, get like 46-5 with my L9A1, then type in at the closing end of the round: "Join fpsX 1.40 KDR+." That's mainly all I did. Furthermore, I also hunted down good players I saw in the room (not harass, but hunt). EDIT: We also get called "Hackers, Aimbotter, Chammers, and even a non-existent hack: POWER BULLETS." When they TeamView us, they find nothing but Legit.

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