I Just realized who DILLA IS!!!!!


New Member
Puppet said:
AlphaEMA said:
Puppet said:
DiLLa said:
i just dont like cum jokes with my daughter in it, or dirty jokes period with her in it hehe

OMG, did someone really do this to you?

do you read all of the forums?

Nope, I don't read all the forums. I am being totally honest here. I skim. I do the same thing at work with the 300+ emails I get every day. You have to skim through the garbage or you'll never have any time to play CZ!

I read them all... and the e-mails...

But then again Im a speed reader...


New Member
WoRm5406 said:
Puppet said:
AlphaEMA said:
Puppet said:
DiLLa said:
i just dont like cum jokes with my daughter in it, or dirty jokes period with her in it hehe

OMG, did someone really do this to you?

do you read all of the forums?

Nope, I don't read all the forums. I am being totally honest here. I skim. I do the same thing at work with the 300+ emails I get every day. You have to skim through the garbage or you'll never have any time to play CZ!

I read them all... and the e-mails...

But then again Im a speed reader...

u r my hero, please send me those speed read hax i need some for my finals :cry:


New Member
Sortitout said:
WoRm5406 said:
Can you read braile?


damn thatd be tight if u could read brailee and pwn on cs

You cant??

Just because I use a 24" monitor and play 3 inches from the screen.... does not mean I cant pwn....

Granted some days I dont....

But it is really cool to feel somes face to get an idea of what they look like.

Its really hard though to read leet speak... there are not enough characters to convert it....