Wow, i'm way outta the loop. I kinda skimmed through everything b/c i dont have the patience to read everything, but i got the general idea.
I been playin on punx for almost 2 yrs now, really since the first day i installed b/c of punx low ping and # of ppl on. I wasnt to serious at first, but like every1 else I was overcome by the addiction

Personally, I think punx has a very level-headed bunch of guys, other than 1 er 2 that come to mind. Especially dilla banning ppl for anything from racial comments to smelling bad :roll: . LoL, and puppet u reminded me of when u first started playing. U were always on and were like 2000 kills above every1 else. Good shit man, good shit. wow im rambling and im sure u couldnt give a shit so to the point:
I would like to see the punishment for killing hosties taken off or at least change from a 60 min ban and i agree w/ the dislike of the teamatac slap. I think all the other bs that goes on with the server is just part of gaming, ppl are competitive and might drop an insult here er there but be a man(it's just a few words). One other thing, lets get some new maps in this biatch, some fy maps er something to kick back and let loose on other than the usual de and cs shiot.
P.S. Machi, i hope u never go into any field that includes negotiating b/c verbal bashing usually won't get u very far. U'd have hostages murdered, ppl commiting suicide and who knows wat else 8) Nothin personal man SMILE