If you could make a Wii Channel what would it be?



New Member
do you guys think we could like chat and add people as friends in check mii out channel? if we did it would be cool..


New Member
I would like a Wii HOME channel, where we can actually interact and chat with each others Miis. Just watching them parade isn't too fun.


New Member
ya i think the chattings a good idea but they have to have some kind of parental control over it because little kids with the wii can just chat with other people


New Member
sanushan said:
A multimedia channel where you can plug in an external drive and watch movies or listen to music and then have options where u can play ur music in ur games.

something like that would be awesome...


New Member
I was imagining stuffs, and I was thinking; The Instrument Channel.

Oh, it's just like a place where you can compose music and create and orchestra, and submit your music to some place, where they can choose to use your music at a Wii menu, or probably for the channel itself.
And you can also save your music as an .mp3 onto an SD card.
Omfg, pwned. :)


New Member
I think that they should maybe do a channel for something like HOME on the PS3, but then again that will never happen because of FC's.


New Member
supersujay said:
can't u upload vids thou the photo channel thou onto the wii or u can just do it thou the internet channel

i'm sorry but i dont understand what you're saying.:blush:

can you please refrain.:friends: