I'm a winner #2



New Member
wow thats a lot of money http://murpo.com/forums/images/smilies/tongue.gif can a I get some http://murpo.com/forums/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif?


New Member
Somehow I don't recieve ANY spam at all. It is incredible, and I'm glad for it, however, that e-mail was funny, I wouldn't mind one of those every now and then.


New Member
Hmmm... perhaps I should explain how these 'schemes' work.

Let us say a program sends out a couple hundred thousand emails of this type to random email addresses.
If you respond, the program knows that your email is used by a real person.

This email is then sold to advertising companies that in turn send you all those emails about products.

By replying, you are actually increasing how much spam you get.

Does that make any sense? They are not trying to get your information, just trying to verify
that your email address is used by a real person. They can make a lot of money this way by
selling these addresses to big advertising companies.

Just be careful, you know?


New Member
basil said:
lol i got to my mobile as sms and also had miscall from pakistan and said me am a lucky winner whn i called back

lol xD i just see sometimes that im the 1mil visitor of the site and then i exit the seite and join again i should be now the 1mil and fist but stil 1 mil thats lol