injuries playing the WII



New Member
The only injury I've recieved while playing the Wii wasn't very serious.

Whilst playing Wii Sports (bowling) I had stepped a little too close to the TV and tore off a part of my fingernail by ramming it into the bottom of a shelf on my entertainment center. I need to learn not to have such a flowing follow-through when bowling, I guess.


New Member
Sonson said:
The only injury I've recieved while playing the Wii wasn't very serious.

Whilst playing Wii Sports (bowling) I had stepped a little too close to the TV and tore off a part of my fingernail by ramming it into the bottom of a shelf on my entertainment center. I need to learn not to have such a flowing follow-through when bowling, I guess.


Not your fingernail XD


New Member
Ryano said:

Not your fingernail XD

Haha, exacally. Not that serious. It still hurt hurt pretty badly at the time, but I imagine people could have hurt themselves far worse. I can just imagine someone really getting into the spirit of Tennis or something and smacking their partner in the face on accident x.x;


New Member
Sonson said:
Ryano said:

Not your fingernail XD

Haha, exacally. Not that serious. It still hurt hurt pretty badly at the time, but I imagine people could have hurt themselves far worse. I can just imagine someone really getting into the spirit of Tennis or something and smacking their partner in the face on accident x.x;

Or even worse getting smacked between the legs lol


New Member
The worst I've ever done is hit a cup whilst getting over-excited.
The people who hurt themselves with WiiMotes are the same kind of people who accidently punch themselves in their padded cell


New Member
Rybo5000 said:
The worst I've ever done is hit a cup whilst getting over-excited.
The people who hurt themselves with WiiMotes are the same kind of people who accidently punch themselves in their padded cell mean like my sister who was playing WarioWare and the she uppercutted the wiimote right into the bottom of her chin with full force XD


New Member
Ryano said:
Rybo5000 said:
The worst I've ever done is hit a cup whilst getting over-excited.
The people who hurt themselves with WiiMotes are the same kind of people who accidently punch themselves in their padded cell mean like my sister who was playing WarioWare and the she uppercutted the wiimote right into the bottom of her chin with full force XD

yes, like ur sister!