Is it worth to get the Classic Controller?



New Member
well, Super Mario World has really weird controlls with the GC controller, I don't know how it is with the other Snes games but if they also got weird controlls like SMW....then it might be worth it.


New Member
well not all games that use the classic controller u can use the gamecube controller for and i like the classic controller is like the super nintendo controller


New Member
YES! It is configured like the SNES controller so if you have the SNES and you are used to it, the GC controller just can't compare.


New Member
Luigi said:
the GC controller just can't compare.

tell me about it... have you tried playing SMW with the GC controller? sure it's playable and all, but still, it's kinda awkward.

I mean, just imagine, run with Y button, jump with B button and spinjump with A button :S

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