Re: ...
r00tw0rm said:
I don't plan on having kids, for fear of them turning out like you.
The only thing you just pointed out is that you have no confidance in your own abilities brother.
You just told us that you consider yourself unable to do the job of a father and raise his children so you wont evan try. Truly pathectic. Do you treat all of lifes chalenges the same? You asume you will fail so you never try.
But I thank God you have enough sense not to breed. I said before, you are a smart person.
Your not man enough to be a daddy r00tw0rm, but we already figured that out before you threw in the cement.
anyhow, Damn Ain't I cute?
Digi: I wish I had pics of the diferent hair colors from highschool, pink, blue, black, orange, white, green spots. I had alot of fun with hair peroxide, hair bleach and koolaid packets when I was younger. the few I do have my kids lol at them too

I was such a goober(hmm still am I guess, that last blond was spring '04). For Haloween one year my older brother borrowed my coat ( patches, buttons and fur on the sleve I got from amvets) and makeup and went out as me. If that gieves you an idea how silly I used to look.
speaking of my lost youth, my 12th anual 21st b-day is next week. I thought 21 was a good age to hang with since you don't get many age related perks between legal drinking, and medicare diapers.