It just gets worse and worse.....


New Member
So if you remember a couple of weeks ago I put a real close friend of mine into the ground. Well the same day he died another one of my friends went missing and srange enough I was one of the last few people to see him. During an organized search today Dan Compton was found... he's gone too. They're not telling anyone what happened until it's "official" I've lost 2 friends in about 2 weeks and it kills me that there is nothing I could have done or could do to fix anything at all, and no matter how bad I feel, these aren't my sons or brothers and it's still worse for the families. I've never known such a trouble finding peace of mind. Please pray for Dan's family and just keep being real. I don't even know what else to say.


New Member
mach. me and you have gone a few rounds huh?

none the less. remember this. there is always a gone. there is always going to be a gone. there is always an end. this doesn't mean that you don't mourn the dead. this doesn't mean that you don't miss your friends, or that i don't miss my dad. certainly, we do miss our lost loved ones. but you have to remember, it's going to happen to everything that begins. the end is the last of the cycle of life. this is the way it goes.

i've put a good few friends in the ground, along with grandfathers and my father. when my dad died i had to be strong for my mom on the phone, and then i broke open. all of my heart was dead. everything that i had been living for was gone suddenly. and do you know what the first big thought was that went through my head after the numb-ness left?

"what did you expect?"

i hope that you see what i'm saying, all of you. in no way shape or form would i ever attempt to belittle your grief or your loss in any manner. i will keep you and Dan's family in my prayers and thoughts. if you need someone to talk to or talk at. pm me and i'll glad you get your number or give my mine.

um mani padme hum


New Member
Damn Mach. I'm very sorry that you are having to go through this all over again. I'll be thinking about you and your friends.
thats not that bad, imagine if it had been you that fell out of the window? you never would have known about dan? (he comited sucide by the way)

life goes on, and people are always fucking dying. don't spend too much time living in your past because it will allways be over. I lost count of dead friends years ago, AIDS, Cancer, Sucide, car wrecks, you name it, some one has died from it Im shure. Watch your own ass, take your multi vitamin and get your prostate exam every year after you turn 50; or 40 with a famly history of prostate cancer, then take the time to remember you did wake up today and if that happened the rest is easy.

remind me not to hang out with you though, you got some bad luck being the last to see people alive this year.