its been fun



New Member
That's it I quit. If we're going back to lame CZ then I'm out of here.
Kidding....just wanted to see what it's like to be one of you whining biatches. Chad, I know this thread was supposed to be about you, and we kinda turned it into a 'welcome back CZ' thread, but how's about it buddy? You feeling like some CZ? I heard Dilla thinks he can whoop you. He says it's a good thing you're leaving so that he doesn't have to embarass you with your skills getting rusty and all. OK, he didn't say that stuff, but you know he's thinking it. :roll:


New Member
chad you're not the punx i talked to or saw the most, but when i did occassionally talk to u, you were kick ass. plus you always owned me with the ak.

best luck with whatevery comes your way

i'll miss you


New Member
It was funny how Chadalways rocked then he'd start doing bad and some one would ask him if he'd been hitting the bowl again. He'd always admit to it then start Aking people in the face again.

Haven't seen you on in awhile Chad but I always tried to be on your team to avoid your wrath.

peace out.