I like the map and i've posted my comments on wc3search at your maps comments but perhaps you dont visit there often (cant blame you, its rare to get comments there).
My biggest concern is that the map gets very laggy after about 30 minutes of playing. Especially the undead waves lag very very much. It all comes to a point where the map is unplayable, fps (frame per second) drops to under 5, and eventually to 1 (at this point the screen is basicly stuck).
I've played the map many times and i've tryied to finish of the orcs and the undead bases as fast as possible to avoid the lag, but its nearly impossible to do that in time. The game is already cripled too much.
As said i really like the map and i hope you'll fix the lag problem. Its fun to play the 30 minutes, but i'd like to finish the map also....