


New Member
Bleh. I find knives "okay". I sometimes join knife matches when I'm bored. But other than that, I stay away from 'em. o_o"


New Member
I LOVE Knife only matches :p

The only thing I hate about it, is when someone is being a puss and crouches. Don't say it's a tactical thing to do, because you have to stand up and fight like a man :\


New Member
I played one game where the match winner used his knife a lot. He usually hung around a spawning area. Approached from behind, knifed them, switch to rifle and then exited. By constantly moving and then slowing down to knife was really cool. It was an honor to be killed by him five times in a row.


New Member
I HATE knives...I can't manage to use them at all, people somehow end up killing me with them, and why can't we have better, slightly longer ranged, melee weapons?


New Member
I played one game where the match winner used his knife a lot. He usually hung around a spawning area. Approached from behind, knifed them, switch to rifle and then exited. By constantly moving and then slowing down to knife was really cool. It was an honor to be killed by him five times in a row.

-.- weirdo


New Member
yes, if I get killed by a knife it's a head shot too =\ I think knife only matches are funny, because in all the ones I've been in, everyone gathers in the middle of the map and runs in a circle, trying ot kill eachother o_O I suck with the knife, It's much easier for me to just shoot the person in the back, but there are situations were knifing people is better than shooting them (unless you have the s3 supressor)


New Member
My funniest ingame moment was a knife match. It was 8v8, then for some reason, my entire team quit, so it was just 8v1. Luckily for me, none of them had a bandana or a light vest on. I just ran around them taking pot shots whenever I could and slowly picking them off while quickly getting out of range of their weapons. It also struck me as amusing when I would run backwards and just see them all clomping behind me trying to kill me. Should of taken a screen shot.


New Member
its nice to use the m on campers but ither than that they can be a pain because someone can always turn around while your doing it an kill you. so i never use them


New Member
I hate knives because it is so hard to get a headshot with it. Most of my kills are headshots and I don't want to ruin that reputation. All permitted is the best because it's a lot easier ( obviously) to get headshots. Currently I am using a G36 which has a built in scope. I have a silencer on it an I rock with it. If you want to learn some glitches and good hiding spots, add me on Combat Arms. My user name is (x2k2). Add me. Note: Parentheses are not included in my nickname.


New Member
I hate knives because it is so hard to get a headshot with it. Most of my kills are headshots and I don't want to ruin that reputation. All permitted is the best because it's a lot easier ( obviously) to get headshots. Currently I am using a G36 which has a built in scope. I have a silencer on it an I rock with it. If you want to learn some glitches and good hiding spots, add me on Combat Arms. My user name is (x2k2). Add me. Note: Parentheses are not included in my nickname.

Right-click and aim for the head, you'll get a headshot.

Seeing as this forum is based on Combat Arms, obviously the Combat Arms rules apply, most of us here are against glitches and hacks.

I'd suggest you not post about them, unless you're reporting them as a known bug/glitch.