L.A. Noire the Most Expensive Game in Development


New Member
To play games like these is only you constroy a computer yourself...like you buy all the stuff of your desktop...I have a desktop that is much better than the ps3...we are always buyng new stuff for it and do it better...its easy.
So i can play all the games without any problem...


New Member
Gaara said:
To play games like these is only you constroy a computer yourself...like you buy all the stuff of your desktop...I have a desktop that is much better than the ps3...we are always buyng new stuff for it and do it better...its easy.
So i can play all the games without any problem...

But I don't have, how you say, the money to do that. :p


New Member
Yes i forgot that part foreversoldier...money =/
Start getting some money for one piece then you start constructing...you have time =D


New Member
Gaara said:
Yes i forgot that part foreversoldier...money =/
Start getting some money for one piece then you start constructing...you have time =D

I would rather get some pre-built one and have to take the ads off of it. I'm not... good with constructing fragile things. They break half the time. :/