Leaving Combat Arms Tomorrow...

Spike, you didn't miss much, by the time the news of the AVA closed beta got here it was over 3 days later.

but anyways I hope you have a good computer, your gonna need it.


Combat Arms is getting way out of hand with the haxers and all .
I have already installed AVA its a pretty good game I just havent had much time to play .
Hope to see you in AVA my ign is goslow :thumbup:

Add Meeeeeee!!!!! :). I just played it. Freaking awesome with Euro permanent weapons. I'm going to contact Walter about opening up an A.V.A section.


Active Member
There is something wrong somewhere.So do all the sites do the samething.Check out you're rig and see if its compatable to play the game.


Active Member
Man I hope so that would be great :thumbup:
I just read a post from Hime on Nexon Forums and she said there was a Hackshield patch just moments ago.:thumbup:

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