Leaving Combat Arms Tomorrow...

it took me like 4 hours form an Aussie server. But if you have a good computer its totally worth it.

my IGN is N4PALM, we should really start a IGN list....
Yesterday i played like 3 matches and got totally destroyed


I will add you as soon as I play again so are you going to stop playing CA comepletely?:blush:

Pretty much. I doubt I'll sitck around with A.V.A that long either. It's a replacement Till Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 comes out.

I'll still go on for clan events and 1-2 days after a content patch before the hacks kick in.


AVA is more of a tactical game at a slower pace than CA (aka: realism). The graphics are better by far. No nexon bullcrap yet, but of course, it still open beta. Hackers are nearly non-existent, though a few have sworn that they have seen some... if so, its few and far between this early in the game.
Better graphics means you need a better computer too. Don't trust the minimum requirements.
Also it's just gotten into open beta so its not perfect.


Active Member
:cursing:I dont uderstand the diff from open Beta from Closed bata.
but yea the better youre comp the better the game play for sure
Im getting close to quiting CA all because of the haxs are getting out of CONTROL.:cursing::cursing::cursing:


I'm finding A.V.A too slow now. The constant lagging doesn't help either.

I have refound my enjoyment of COD4... Not long till COD:MW2 *Drools*

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