Looking to Sell!
- Legit LEM Account, never hacked on. Fresh 10 wins as of yesterday, has Op. Bloodhound and another pass avaliable. Has a 15$ steam wallet balance.
- UN-Ranked, Level 3, 11 year CS:GO Account with 5 year coin and no cheats, has 2 wins on it.
Want to Sell For!
First Account: 40-50$
- OR -
Second Account: Offer
Rules and Contact:
Skype: destructibledemon
Rule 1: I will not go first. Ever.
Rule 2: We can use an OMM.
Rule 3: Don't be afraid to talk to me. I'm a nice guy. <3
- Legit LEM Account, never hacked on. Fresh 10 wins as of yesterday, has Op. Bloodhound and another pass avaliable. Has a 15$ steam wallet balance.

- UN-Ranked, Level 3, 11 year CS:GO Account with 5 year coin and no cheats, has 2 wins on it.

Want to Sell For!
First Account: 40-50$
- OR -
Second Account: Offer
Rules and Contact:
Skype: destructibledemon
Rule 1: I will not go first. Ever.
Rule 2: We can use an OMM.
Rule 3: Don't be afraid to talk to me. I'm a nice guy. <3